Ben Smith

Results 86 comments of Ben Smith

@athal7 You can use the following [Absinthe channel decorator approach]( to extend the `join` and `handle_in` functions. It would be useful for Absinthe Phoenix to provide these hooks directly, without...

The [Modular Snippets]( package supports project level snippets (e.g. `.snippets.cson` or `snippets/example.cson`).

@Zeeker If this PR is code complete I'm happy to merge it in. Just let me know.

I'm unsure why I chose to use timestamp _without timezone_ for these fields, possibly because I thought `NaiveDateTime` was more appropriate than `DateTime`. Am happy to accept a pull request...

Not implementing the `Commanded.Serialization.JsonDecoder` for `Any` would mean another manual task required to setup Commanded for most consumers of the library. My preference is to reduce this type of additional...

How many dynamic event store instances were you expecting to be running at the same time? Currently there are many auxiliary processes started by the event store supervisor which use...

Multi-tenancy can now be acheived using dynamic Commanded applications (#324).

@drozzy Good catch, I think that also needs to change, proposal as below. ### Current: Command handler receives default `%BankAccount{}` state ```elixir defmodule OpenAccountHandler do @behaviour Commanded.Commands.Handler def handle(%BankAccount{} =...

@drozzy I'm undecided about changing the `apply/2` function.

This will need to be addressed in #117 which will allow you to define, start, and supervise your own Commanded applications (similar to Ecto's `Repo` module).