PanModal icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
PanModal copied to clipboard

Ignoring PanModal.framework because it does not support the current architecture

Open barHopperSF opened this issue 1 year ago • 1 comments

How do I fix this warning?

Running Xcode 14.3 and Ventura 13.3 on MacBook Air 2020 M1

Also I get this warning:

Ignoring file /Users//Documents//***/Carthage/Build/iOS/PanModal.framework/PanModal, building for iOS Simulator-x86_64 but attempting to link with file built for iOS-arm64


barHopperSF avatar Apr 02 '23 22:04 barHopperSF

Try to use my fork. It contains a collection of bugs fixed and compiles just fine on arm64.

ppamorim avatar May 08 '23 10:05 ppamorim