quill copied to clipboard
Trouble with Recognizing URLs in Quill Editor
Can someone help me with how to make the link visible when pasting, not just the text? So, I want the Quill editor to somehow recognize that it's a URL.
If I copy https://www.youtube.com/ it should turn into a link, not just text.
I've tried this way and it's not working for me.
export class PrimeNgQuillComponent {
@ViewChild('quillEditor') quillEditor!: QuillEditorComponent;
quillModel: string = "";
simpleUrlRegex = /https?:\/\/[^\s]+/g;
@Inject(QUILL_CONFIG_TOKEN) private config: QuillConfig
) {
// console.log('PrimeNgQuill Module - Global COnfig', config);
this.config.modules = {
clipboard: {
matchers: [
[Node.TEXT_NODE, (node: any, delta: Delta) => {
const data = this.quillModel
const matches = data.match(this.simpleUrlRegex);
if (matches && matches.length > 0) {
const ops = [];
let str = data;
matches.forEach((match) => {
const split = str.split(match);
const beforeLink = split.shift();
ops.push({ insert: beforeLink });
ops.push({ insert: match, attributes: { link: match } });
str = split.join(match);
ops.push({ insert: str });
delta.ops = ops;
return delta;
keyboard: {
bindings: {
space: {
key: 'Space',
prefix: /https?:\/\/[^\s]+/,
shiftKey: true,
handler: (function spaceToLink() {
let prevOffset = 0;
return function handler(this: any, range: any) {
const text = this.quill.getText(prevOffset, range.index) as string;
const match = text.match(this.simpleUrlRegex);
if (!match) {
prevOffset = range.index;
return true;
const url = match[match.length - 1];
const ops = [];
ops.push({ retain: range.index - url.length });
ops.push({ delete: url.length });
ops.push({ insert: url, attributes: { link: url } });
this.quill.updateContents({ ops });
prevOffset = range.index;
return true;