quill copied to clipboard
Quill removing spaces when tags are adjacent
This only happens when loading the default value (or using dangerouslypastehtml). If you have two tags that are adjacent, say a "strong" and an anchor "a" and they have a space in between them. so "please click here" then when it gets loaded into a quill editor, the space between these two will get removed. This is definitely problematic and I haven't found a way around this programmatically.
Steps for Reproduction
- Visit https://codesandbox.io/s/react-uncontrolled-component-default-state-quill-forked-eynydr?file=/src/index.js
- Click on the "Change Template" button to watch it load the html
Expected behavior: It should honor the spaces between tags
Actual behavior: You will see the spaces between the different tags all get removed.
Platforms: Chrome, React
Version: quill 1.3.7
I experience same issue just with spans <span>sepa</span> <span>rate</span>
= separate
update: issue found in quill.js (1.3.7) -> function matchText(node, delta)
if (text.trim().length === 0 && node.parentNode.classList.contains('ql-clipboard')) {
return delta;
.... other stuff
// final return
return delta.insert(text);
in this case text is " ". (text.trim().length === 0 will be true) matchText returns the provided delta unmodified never reaching the bottom return where the space is actually inserted. Removing that if sentence removes the problem and tags with a space in between is working as expected.
In 2.0.0-dev4:
matchText function is now found in clipboard.ts and the described if sentence is replaced with
if (text.trim().length === 0 && text.includes('\n'))
Swapping the old check with this new check also seem to work in 1.3.7.
Thoughts: I'm not sure why this check is there in the first place as I can't understand why '\n' (2.0.0-dev4) or " " (1.3.7) should not be inserted if provided as part of the content, but maybe there is a good reason.
I solved using a workaround, the Zero-width space between the tags. Ex:
<strong>Lorem</strong> ​<em>ipsum</em>
I am having a similar issue, though inside the tags. So an initial value of <p>some text </p>
becomes <p>some text</p>
. My problem is that I have no control over the initial value, and it's important for me that it stays the same as I am using the editor as part of a form and I need to detect when the value changes from the original to trigger an auto-save.
@ryan-honor-ed did you find a solution in the end? 🙏
Hey @hamurabiaraujo do you mind sharing an example of how you implemented your workaround? Would help me A LOT!
@matteocarpi, I had a code like this:
<strong>Free shipping</strong> <em>selected locations</em>
But the ' '
between the </strong>
and <em>
was removed by quill. If a put a content between them, the problem was solved. So how I can't use visible content, used the Zero-width space to keep the space. The resultant code:
<strong>Free shipping</strong> ​<em>selected locations</em>
Hey @hamurabiaraujo, thanks for the reply!
Ok! so you fixed it manually inserting that in your content. I was wondering if you found a way that would dynamically replace all spaces with a space and the zero-width-space.
Yep, in my case a hardcoded solution solved. But I think that you can use a regex or some strategy to see content in the middle of adjacent tags. Then you can join the space + the zero-width.