Ryan Parman

Results 101 comments of Ryan Parman

Hah. I just went to file this exact same ticket. 👍🏻

```bash xcode-select --install xcode-select --switch /Applications/Xcode.app ``` Then try again.

Reinstall phpbrew. I ran into this last night. It appears that the self-update command is broken.

Looks like the author never answered, but looking at the source code, this tool passes the content to the GitHub API `/markdown` endpoint. GitHub implements a "GitHub flavor" of Commonmark,...

@fritz-gerneth: Is this something you have some documentation for leveraging? We're running into the same issue, and like you, we've had to fork the project in order to merge some...

@armetiz: this library is pretty much abandoned. I have a fork of it underneath my own account where I have pulled in several patches that have been contributed, but not...

Use the GitHub API? That's how it's done with Homebrew.

If you authenticate, though, the rate limit is much higher.

Try switching from `AWS_PROFILE` to `AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE`? I use [aws-vault](https://github.com/99designs/aws-vault). For me, it was as simple as: ```bash aws-vault exec {profile} -- docker pull xxxxxxxxxxxx.dkr.ecr.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/debugger ```

I ended up just switching to Apple’s `notarytool` and adding that to my GoReleaser pipeline. https://developer.apple.com/documentation/security/notarizing_macos_software_before_distribution/customizing_the_notarization_workflow