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SkyrimPlatform breaks savegames
17 January 2022, 7:58AM For some reason, since installing 2.5.0, saving will take twice as much time, and end up creating a corrupted save which is impossible to reload. File size is much smaller, almost half the size, and it doesn't save an .SKSE file. Reverting back to 2.4.0 fixes the issue. EDIT: Judging from someone else's report, it seems 2.5.0 might be broken for some users (so far only two reports), so as a warning and recommendation DO NOT UPGRADE to 2.5.0 until further notice from mod author.
17 January 2022, 8:12AM For the love of god, put a game break warning on this mod. DO NOT UPDATE ON A CURRENT SAVE. It looks like this requires a new game when updating versions. If you update on a current save it corrupts the save. Also, when you update this mod, saving takes 10 times longer then normal. Quick saving now takes 30 seconds alongside corrupted saves. This same issue happened on the previous update as well.
I am stilling using 2.5.0 since upgrading from 2.4.0 and I can make saves without issues.
I do believe this is just an issue of mod installation. I am using vortex and it couldn't unpack the mod archive but still showed that the mod is "enabled", while the mod files are not installed at all. I ended up mannually unpack the archive to mod staging folder and intalled it without a problem.
@objir Does upgrade work for you? Even without starting a new game?
Yes and yes. I am using a plugin with the new added action events (modified from the one in issue #795) and it is working.
I have tested this on this LO and cant get any save corruption either.
I got hands on some logs from a user who is experiencing save corruption but also a lot more issue regarding 2.5.0:
In addition to the dialogue 2 other issues that may be unrelated but I will mention in case this comes from others. Can only use keyboard, not controller with auto input switch. Using controller works fine but certain functions cause a crash - selecting play instrument from bards reborn. 100% crash with controller plugged in and none without. 2nd is eventually first person couldn't move head, but that may be a sympton of the corrupt save game rather than cause. When starting a new game head was working, but all other issues persisted.
loadorder.txt Crash_2022_1_27_20-58-18.txt Crash_2022_1_26_23-46-56.txt
There is more crashlogs like this but something seems to be wrong with ConsoleUitlSSE?
@duffbeeeer Hm. Theoretically, there could be incompatibility between SP and ConsoleUtilSSE. Is it reproduceable without ConsoleUtil?
@Pospelove The user will test this later tonight.
Are any SKSE log files helpful like skse64.log?
@duffbeeeer Not really
didnt hear back yet from the other guy...
here is another load order with corrupt saves loadorder2.txt
Honestly IDK how do I debug that
Guess someone would have to test every mod one by one in that list?
But leaving it like this is hardly a good solution either :( SP has got way too much bad rep because of those rare incidents, thats unfortunate.
Idk either how to reproduce this as I dont have the issue at all.
@duffbeeeer I think we need a reproducible mod setup. I.e. wabbajack modlist. It could help with testing.
@Pospelove so we create a list based on the load order i posted?
I think we have 3 different load orders for this issue atm, maybe useful to mark down all mods that are used by all and exclude everything else
@duffbeeeer Well let's do it
@Pospelove idlike to suggest we hold out on the AE update for SP first. Maybe this problem disappears anyway because of different binaries? Or maybe it doesnt and we have to do it all over again
@duffbeeeer ok lets wait for ae support
Closing for now... I have some ideas on fixing this but this issue probably doesn't help
created follow-up issue