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Ctrl-C during a deprovision operation should ask the user for confirmation to exit

Open ShishirPatil opened this issue 1 year ago • 4 comments

~Need a way to interrupt skyplane cp transfers mid-way by the user.~

We currently prevent users from exiting during a deprovision operation to avoid leaked VMs. A Ctrl-C during deprovision should ask the user if they want to exit the transfer truly with the understanding that VMs could be leaked.

ShishirPatil avatar Sep 16 '22 00:09 ShishirPatil

@ShishirPatil This is a good idea but we already catch KeyboardInterrupt during transfers here:

What is not working with this logic?

parasj avatar Sep 20 '22 17:09 parasj

Verified that it successfully exits the CLI at every level but the VMs are not deprovisioned. Also for deprovisioning, keyboard Interrupt doesn't work (which may be the intended behavior?)

HaileyJang avatar Sep 30 '22 21:09 HaileyJang

Adding a reference to @ShishirPatil's discussion:

parasj avatar Nov 26 '22 06:11 parasj

Is this still an issue?

sarahwooders avatar Feb 27 '23 19:02 sarahwooders