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Hi there, I'm skypjack šŸ‘‹


Despite what you may have thought, I'm not Zak. Iā€™m Michele Caini, software developer from Florence, Italy.
I'm also a freelancer, I work mainly remotely and in my free time I dedicate myself to some open source projects such as EnTT.
Oh... and I'm a father too, madly in love with my wife and son who always support me! :heart_eyes:

Something about me:

  • šŸ”­ Iā€™m currently working on Minecraft, thanks to the Microsoft Mojang Studios :astonished: and I'm very grateful for this opportunity.
  • šŸ’» I'm a freelancer. Don't hesitate to contact me if you want to offer a collaboration. Fond of C++, gaming and high perf.
  • šŸ“« Check the links in my profile. Feel free to ping me to say hello, introduce yourself and have a chat. šŸ™‚

šŸ™ Support me if you like ...

Everything you can find on my GitHub profile or on my blog I do in my spare time, without any kind of income.
If you want to help me by contributing or otherwise supporting me, you can take a look at my sponsorship page.

Twitter: scaipgec GitHub skypjack