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Can Sky prioritize regions with quota available?
Kevin's question: I asked for V100 but Sky kept spending minutes on regions that I don't have quota. Is there any way to specify regions for Sky to prioritize? (my translation: sky launch is too slow)
Two possible solutions:
- Sky looks up quotas for each cloud and prioritize those regions/clouds with available quota.
- Sky lets users to specify desirable regions.
For 1) I survey a couple commands that can be useful for Sky to query quotas.
> gcloud alpha services quota list --consumer=projects/intercloud-320520 --format json
"defaultLimit": "8",
"dimensions": {
"region": "us-west1"
"effectiveLimit": "8"
> aws service-quotas list-service-quotas --service-code ec2 --region us-east-1 --query "Quotas[*].{ServiceName:ServiceName,QuotaName:QuotaName,QuotaCode:QuotaCode,Value:Value}" --output json
"ServiceName": "Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2)",
"QuotaName": "Running On-Demand P instances",
"QuotaCode": "L-417A185B",
"Value": 128.0
> az vm list-usage --location "East US" -o table
Standard NCSv3 Family vCPUs 0 192
Standard NDSv2 Family vCPUs 0 40
each command takes 3~6s. seems reasonable.
This may also be helpful: