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Deobfuscator doesn't consider static flags
File com/dotc/receiver/SkinNotificationReceiver.java
if (action.equals("com.dotc.ime.latin.flash.SKIN_NOTIFICATION") && p000.aik.mo102a().mo102a().size() != 0) {
You can notice that part p000.aik.mo102a().mo102a()
which calls the same method
If you open p000/aik.java
you will see the following part of code
/* renamed from: a */
public static p000.aik mo102a() {
return (p000.aik) com.dotc.ime.MainApp.mo14130a().mo14131a(p000.aik.class);
/* renamed from: a */
public java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.String> m2900a() {
return this.f2096b;
Seems that deobfuscator ignored static
modifier and changed a
to static method name, but not the correct one m2900a
APK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TpV3UiJnmvExBnxwyxy9T48XAwl8QEWf/view?usp=sharing