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Results 38 net issues
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#### Description This PR fixes one or more vulnerable packages in the `npm` dependencies of this project. See the [Snyk test report]( for more details. #### Snyk Project: [skycoin/net:skycoin-messenger/web/package.json]( ####...

#### Description This PR fixes one or more vulnerable packages in the `npm` dependencies of this project. See the [Snyk test report]( for more details. #### Snyk Project: [skycoin/net:skycoin-messenger/web/package.json]( ####...

#### Description This PR fixes one or more vulnerable packages in the `npm` dependencies of this project. See the [Snyk test report]( for more details. #### Snyk Project: [skycoin/net:skycoin-messenger/web/package.json]( ####...

#### Description This PR fixes one or more vulnerable packages in the `npm` dependencies of this project. See the [Snyk test report]( for more details. #### Snyk Project: [skycoin/net:skycoin-messenger/web/package.json]( ####...

#### Description This PR fixes one or more vulnerable packages in the `npm` dependencies of this project. See the [Snyk test report]( for more details. #### Snyk Project: [skycoin/net:skycoin-messenger/web/package.json]( ####...

#### Description This PR fixes one or more vulnerable packages in the `npm` dependencies of this project. See the [Snyk test report]( for more details. #### Snyk Project: [skycoin/net:skycoin-messenger/web/package.json]( ####...

#### Description This PR fixes one or more vulnerable packages in the `npm` dependencies of this project. See the [Snyk test report]( for more details. #### Snyk Project: [skycoin/net:skycoin-messenger/web/package.json]( ####...

#### Description This PR fixes one or more vulnerable packages in the `npm` dependencies of this project. See the [Snyk test report]( for more details. #### Snyk Project: [skycoin/net:skycoin-messenger/web/package.json]( ####...

#### Description This PR fixes one or more vulnerable packages in the `npm` dependencies of this project. See the [Snyk test report]( for more details. #### Snyk Project: [skycoin/net:skycoin-messenger/web/package.json]( ####...

I've found an [issue #88]( in the skycoin/skywire repository and I tried to fix it. This pull request modifies the error message of the UpdatePass function. I've added some code...