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Is there a planned payment mechanism for storing cxo?

Open steadyclackin opened this issue 6 years ago • 4 comments

I could see such a mechanism powering basically a global network file store. I.e. something really really useful. It could come with replication controls so that the owner can choose the desired replication (paying whatever the rate is for the amount of data that results). Pay more to have more guarantee that the data won't be lost, etc. In this manner skycoin could not only be asset-backed by bandwidth capacity but also asset-backed by storage capacity.

steadyclackin avatar Jan 27 '18 07:01 steadyclackin

I think such a system would incentize content hosting on the network, since hosts would be compensated both for storing and serving it (the latter being true only if i understand the bandwidth compensation system correctly, not 100% sure tho).

steadyclackin avatar Jan 27 '18 07:01 steadyclackin

Yes. That is what SPACO is doing.

logrusorgru avatar Jan 28 '18 06:01 logrusorgru

neat. is there any more info besides a marketing release? :)

steadyclackin avatar Jan 28 '18 19:01 steadyclackin

No, there is not. I can't help. The SPARCO is separate project. Sorry.

logrusorgru avatar Jan 29 '18 09:01 logrusorgru