Could we merge both @tarehart ? i personally would prefer to keep each bot in its own repo instead of a botpack repo. Maybe show a warning ?
Then i think the problem is how we handle the current botpack. i think its troublesome to update it, but that may be a good thing, cause it stops botmakers...
advanced mode would show skybot from my repo as a diferent skybot from the botpack. they are 2 diferent sets of code afterall. the version number would be diferent, and...
the only part i didnt agree with you was > so the user can choose to use from what repo he wants to download (in advanced mode) As this would...
bots are not distributions, what if i want to play with old and new skybot to compare how it is improving?
> For the bots that are using a config file to change the behaviour of the bot I want that to be editable in the main page of the gui....