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Adding completion-at-point support (company-capf)
Is it possible to add completion-at-point
support for plantuml? Or is this already implemented and I was just not able to get it working?
Looks like this should work, not really sure if this is the right way to implement it (taken from, and elisp-mode.el):
(defun my-plantuml-completion-at-point ()
"Function used for `completion-at-point-functions' in `plantuml-mode'."
(let ((completion-ignore-case t) ; Not working for company-capf.
(bounds (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'symbol))
(keywords plantuml-kwdList))
(when (and bounds keywords)
(list (car bounds)
(cdr bounds)
:exclusve 'no
:company-docsig #'identity))))
Then add a hook on mode init, should be added to (define-derived-mode plantuml-mode prog-mode "plantuml" ...
(add-hook 'completion-at-point-functions
#'plantuml-completion-at-point nil 'local)
Then completion-at-point
is supported in plantuml-mode. And this also makes company-capf
For some reason ignoring case with my solution works with completion-at-point
but company stays case-sensitive unless using (setq-local completion-ignore-case t)