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[ENH] roadmap of probabilistic regressors to implement or to interface
A wishlist for probabilistic regression methods to implement or interface. This is partly copied from the list I made when designing the R counterpart . Number of stars at the end is estimated difficulty or time investment.
- [ ] generalized linear model(s) with continuous regression link, e.g., Gaussian *
- [x] Gaussian link,
- [ ] further regression links: Gamma, Tweedie, inverse Gaussian
- [x] Gaussian link,
- [ ] generalized linear model(s) with count link, e.g., Poisson *
- [ ] Poisson link,
- [x] Poisson link,
- [ ] further links: Binomial
- [ ] Poisson link,
- [ ] heteroscedastic linear regression ***
- [ ] Bayesian GLM where conjugate priors are available, e.g., GLM with Gaussian link ***
KRR aka Gaussian process regression
- [x] vanilla kernel ridge regression with fixed kernel parameters and variance *
- [x] kernel ridge regression with MLE for kernel parameters and regularization parameter **
- [ ] heteroscedastic KRR or Gaussian processes ***
- [ ] variants of conditional density estimation (Nadaraya-Watson type) **
- [ ] reduction to density estimation by binning of input variables, then apply unconditional density estimation **
Gradient boosting and tree-based
- [x] ngboost package interface *
- [ ] probabilistic residual boosting **
- [x] probabilistic regression trees **
Neural networks
- [ ] interface tensorflow probability - some hard-coded NN architectures **
- [ ] generic tensorflow probability interface - some hard-coded NN architectures ***
Bayesian toolboxes
- [ ] generic pymc3 interface ***
- [ ] generic pyro interface ****
- [ ] generic Stan interface ****
- [ ] generic JAGS interface ****
- [ ] generic BUGS interface ****
- [ ] generic Bayesian interface - prior-valued hyperparameters *****
Pipeline elements for target transformation
- [ ] distr fixed target transformation **
- [ ] distr predictive target calibration **
Composite techniques, reduction to deterministic regression
- [ ] stick mean, sd, from a deterministic regressor which already has these as return types into some location/scale distr family (Gaussian, Laplace) *
- [x] use model 1 for the mean, model 2 fit to residuals (squared, absolute, or log), put this in some location/scale distr family (Gaussian, Laplace) **
- [ ] upper/lower thresholder for a regression prediction, to use as a pipeline element for a forced lower variance bound **
- [ ] generic parameter prediction by elicitation, output being plugged into parameters of a distr object not necessarily scale/location ****
- [ ] reduction via bootstrapped sampling of a determinstic regressor **
Ensembling type pipeline elements and compositors
- [x] simple bagging, averaging of pdf/cdf **
- [ ] probabilistic boosting ***
- [ ] probabilistic stacking ***
- [ ] always predict a Gaussian with mean = training mean, var = training var *
- [ ] unconditional densities via
package, interface * - [ ] IMPORTANT as featureless baseline: reduction to distr/density estimation to produce an unconditional probabilistic regressor **
- [ ] IMPORTANT as deterministic style baseline: reduction to deterministic regression, mean = prediction by det.regressor, var = training sample var, distr type = Gaussian (or Laplace) **
Other reduction from/to probabilistic regression
- [x] reducing deterministic regression to probabilistic regression - take mean, median or mode **
- [x] reduction(s) to quantile regression, use predictive quantiles to make a distr ***
- [x] reducing deterministic (quantile) regression to probabilistic regression - take quantile(s) **
- [ ] reducing interval regression to probabilistic regression - take mean/sd, or take quantile(s) **
- [x] reduction to survival, as the sub-case of no censoring **
- [ ] reduction to classification, by binning ***
@fkiraly I wish to take up this as my project. What would be a good headstart?
pick something that you find interesting, with a single star * ?
I've updated the list with checkmarks for implemented estimators.
@fkiraly , I am interested in this project idea and would like to start off by adding an interface to ngboost
to skpro
. Can I go ahead? Also a small doubt since I haven't contributed to skpro
earlier, is using the same versions as sktime
sufficient for skpro or should I create another virtual environment for it?
@ShreeshaM07, nice! Can you then quickly post in that you will be working on this?
Also a small doubt since I haven't contributed to
earlier, is using the same versions assktime
sufficient for skpro or should I create another virtual environment for it?
I would advise to have a virtual environment ready for testing, with an editable install of skpro
Like with sktime
, you can do an editable install with a pip install -e .
in a clone of the skpro
If you have an sktime
environment, you might have skpro
already installed, but not as editable, in that case your changes to the code will not be reflected in the environment.
Personally, I have an environment where both sktime
and skpro
are installed as editable versions, to allow debugging and testing across different packages.
Happy to connect quickly on the discord dev-chat if you have further questions about this.
@fkiraly Hey Franz, I would like to contribute towards some of the GLMs with regression links, is there anything i need to do setup wise with skpro that is different than sktime?
@fkiraly Hey Franz, I would like to contribute towards some of the GLMs with regression links
Excellent! I'd recommend to start with the statsmodels
ones:, and with Gaussian link.
is there anything i need to do setup wise with skpro that is different than sktime?
It is the same, except of course you do pip install -e .[dev]
in a clone of skpro
, not sktime
I'm typically developing in an environment that has editable versions of both, plus scikit-base
, that allows me to make changes in all three packages. The "catch" if you do this is that you have to install editable versions in sequence of dependence, i.e., first skbase
, then skpro
, then sktime
, otherwise pip
will get the non-editable pypi
@fkiraly , Just wanted to know where reducing deterministic (quantile) regression to probabilistic regression - take quantile(s)
has been implemented to get an idea on what needs to be done in these types of issues. Could you please help me out.
yes, that has been implemented already, by @Ram0nB in MultipleQuantileRegressor
, see #108.
You can figure out which algorithms have been contributed already by the checkmark next to them (I hope that's all correct, but feel free to ask).