Hi. I'm not sure what you're asking for :) Are you suggesting we add a "string" shouldBe file matcher?
You shouldn't nest And inside Then because Then is a final state scope. This will probably break in a future release.
Which report - xml, html, gradle..
Do you have time to add the working example ?
JVM and non-JVM go through different gradle code paths (junit platform vs jetbrains format test output). I'll try to reproduce this.
@BorzdeG your issue here I think is covered by these docs. @JesusMcCloud your issue is covered in #2848 I think
Where does the DemoTest come into it ?
So the class name is included both times? Did you upgrade gradle or a gradle plugin ?
Not tried gradle 7.4.x yet so maybe they finally fixed some junit platform bugs.
There's no current way to do this. I guess we could add a package level project config.