windows-pc-keyboard-layout-mac copied to clipboard
<> und ^° vertauscht
Erst einmal sehr cooles Tool! Vielen Dank! Die Tasten <> neben der Shift taste ist mit der Taste ^° ganz oben links bei vertauscht. (Cherry MX 3000). Kann man das noch ändern?
In English: On a German keyboard (Cherry MX 3000) the keys '<>' and '^°' switched. Is it possible to change that?
(Keeping this English ;) )
The keys work fine on my built-in macBook keyboard. So it seems that macOS treats external keyboards differently.
Looking around the Internet, it seems that this is a (longstanding) bug/problem in macOS:
To solve this, we would probably need another keyboard layout for external keyboards. I'm not sure if this would be very usable - at least I wouldn't want to switch keyboard layouts anytime I switch from an external keyboard to the built-in keyboard (and the other way around). But I guess for Macs without internal keyboard (iMac, ...) it would be fine.
I currently don't have an external keyboard (that fits into the USB-C port of my macBook), so I couldn't test this. But pull requests are certainly welcome for this.
this is not an issue of this keyboard layout, but of the general keyboard-type used.
you can fix this changing the keyboard-type:
See also:
Once this is set properly, the <> button works fine on all external keyboards, even without this image.
Thank you @lenlennart and @skrysmanski for your work and answers!
I have the same issue and the "change keyboard" button is not available on Mac OS Big Sur. Here is the solution:
Delete /Library/Preferences/
an reboot -> You will be prompted again for the keyboard type. I have to chose ISO Type
I also had to do this to get "End" and "Pos1" working:
Thanks to @lenlennart's solution, the keys are now correct. But sadly the vertical bar | doesn't work. It should be Alt+<. Many programmer need this for their logical OR. Is there a way to add it?
EDIT: Sorry, my bad. I had the AltTab app running that was intercepting the shortcut. In the AltTab settings it's possible to disable that shortcut. I'll leave this comment here in case someone else has the same issue.