dark-cloud icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
dark-cloud copied to clipboard

iOS Static Library w/ Example project for DarkSky API.


iOS Static Library w/ Example project for DarkSky API. (https://developer.darkskyapp.com)


1.) Add libDarkCloud.a library and /usr Directory into your project.

2.) Import DarkCloud.h (#import "DarkCloud.h") , and make your class conform to DarkCloudDelegate protocol.


//Initializer to DarkCloud Library.

//Makes hourly forecast request, with option for brief or full.
                     longitude:(double)lon brief:(BOOL)yesNo;
//Takes an Array of NSDictionaries with lat,lon,time key's.

//Makes request to retrieve interesting storms.

//Helper Class method to create timestamp.
+ (NSTimeInterval)getGMTFormatDate:(NSDate*)date;

Delegate Methods



//Full hourly forecast request.
DarkCloud *cloud = [[[DarkCloud alloc] initinitWithAPIKey:@"API_KEY"] autorelease];
cloud.delegate = self;
[cloud getHourlyForcastForLatitude:40.673175 
                         longitude:-74.22492 brief:NO];

//Example Multiple Points and Times
DarkCloud *cloud = [[[DarkCloud alloc] initinitWithAPIKey:@"API_KEY"] autorelease];
cloud.delegate = self;

NSMutableDictionary *point1 = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
[point1 setValue:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:40.673175] forKey:@"LAT"];
[point1 setValue:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:-74.22492] forKey:@"LON"];
[point1 setValue:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:[DarkCloud getGMTFormatDate:[NSDate date]]] forKey:@"TIME"];

NSMutableDictionary *point2 = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
[point2 setValue:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:40.673175] forKey:@"LAT"];
[point2 setValue:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:-74.22492] forKey:@"LON"];

NSDate *now = [NSDate date];
NSDate *later = [now dateByAddingTimeInterval:3600];
[dict2 setValue:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:[DarkCloud getGMTFormatDate:later]] forKey:@"TIME"];

[cloud getForecastCollection:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:point1,point2,nil]];