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🚀 React Apollo client for a GraphQL blog.
GraphQL Blog Client
This repository is a React Apollo client for a GraphQL blog. It does not contain
the API necessary. It consumes and presents the data from an API identical to
- React - A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- webpack - Module bundler.
- TSLint - An extensible linter for the TypeScript language.
- TypeScript - TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.
- React Apollo - React higher-order component for Apollo Client.
- styled-components - Visual primitives for the component age 💅.
- React Router - Declarative routing for React.
- Draftjs - Rich text editor framework for React.
- Express - Minimalist web framework for Node.
- Display a list of recent blog posts
- View a single blog post with related comments
- Create a new post
- Simple rich text editor for creating posts
- Prefetch a post when hovering over the post title
- Clone the repository
git clone [email protected]:Skovy/graphql-blog-client.git
- Change to the GraphQL Blog Client directory
cd graphql-blog-client
- Install the dependencies
yarn install
- Start the webpack dev server
yarn start
- Navigate to you browser
Note: this depends on an external API (eg:
yarn lint
- Run TSLint
yarn lint:fix
- Run TSLint and fix the errors
cp .env.example .env
- Copy and change local environment configurations such as the Express PORT or GraphQL API endpoint
NODE_ENV=production yarn heroku-postbuild
- Build the production bundle, the same used if deployed to Heroku
heroku local
- Run in "production mode", using the simple Express server instead of the
- Run in "production mode", using the simple Express server instead of the
Next Steps
- [ ] Upgrade Apollo to V2 (#1)