Duende.IdentityServer.Admin copied to clipboard
Should the docker-compose.vs.*.yml reference .NET 6?
Describe the bug
I am struggling to get Docker to work.
- Windows 10
- Docker
- WSL2
- Ubuntu
- Visual Studio 2022
- .NET 6
- Skoruba.Duende.IdentityServer.Admin.Templates::1.1.0
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
dotnet new skoruba.duende.isadmin --name MySkApp --title "MySkApp" --adminemail "[email protected]" --adminpassword "Pa$$word123" --adminrole Admin --adminclientid SkorubaAdminClient --adminclientsecret SkorubaAdminClientSecret --dockersupport true
- Edit hosts file on windows, add skoruba.local sts.skoruba.local admin.skoruba.local admin-api.skoruba.local
- Open powershell:
cd shared/nginx/certs; mkcert --install; copy $env:LOCALAPPDATA\mkcert\rootCA.pem ./cacerts.pem; copy $env:LOCALAPPDATA\mkcert\rootCA.pem ./cacerts.crt
- Open solution in VS 2022, click the play button, it should say "Docker Compose"
Relevant parts of the log file
<log goes here>
Hello @VictorioBerra - thank you, I will fix it. 👍
I found this too. you can go ahead and close my issue, this one is much better documented.