Richard Dymond
Richard Dymond
Congrats! Not sure what you mean by emulating keyboard presses not being a go-er, though. Can't you just translate a 'joystick right' event into a Pygame `K_p` keyboard event? Then...
That's odd. Sounds as if when you're trying to save, there are unprocessed keypress events left in the queue (somehow). Are you saving any events to the queue that you...
The speed of the host CPU shouldn't affect the speed of the game (well, unless the CPU is really slow, I suppose). Pyskool uses Pygame's Clock.tick() method in various places...
Let me know how it goes. Of course, the other possibility is that the default screen scroll speed is just too high for your liking. In which case you can...
Ah, I misunderstood what the problem was. So it's not that it's scrolling quickly, it's that it's not actually scrolling (i.e. moving left or right by one tile column at...