spotifyripper copied to clipboard
ripper skips first N seconds
This script is working, but looks like it "skips" the first n seconds of a song, looks like the recording process gets interrupted N times before starting
all the songs i've tried to record start about after +2/5 seconds
Could you tell me why?
In my case only half of the song got recorded, but, I start wondering, this might not be an issue of this script. Maybe Spotify is interfering in some way? I found similar issues with other spotify recorders
I think it's with the "notify" part.
You can see that he "start-stop", again and again and then stabillize.
The problem is Spotify emits a lot of DBUS messages in burst, when changes the track. I filtered to accept only the first one, within a 10 seconds timeframe.
Hi all, thank you for this handy piece of software ! Before that, I was manually fiddling around with parec and a few koad-module... @kovacslt : how does your fork compare to the one in python from @panticz ?
I find that his version has issue only for tracks just before advertisement (workaround : replay the track). I think it is related to the fact that his .WAV is deleted too soon before the .MP3 is exported correctly. Unfortunately, there seems to be no way to submit this issue at .
@b606 , When I looked for a way to transfer my Spotify albums into a format, I can use in my car too, I found the first, and I liked that I have a chance to understand how it works. Additionally I liked the basic concept, so I never looked for an alternative. Instead, modified it to fit my needs better. If my fork works for you, I'm glad. I have no idea how that Python ripper works, or how it compares... I just use my own ripper. I also have a family account, so advertisments are not a problem for me.
Thanks for your answer :+1: I'll try it as soon as possible. For now, I ended up trying my own fork of the python ripper :-)
@b606 You are most welcome :wink:
Please note, that because of simplicity in the line #25 I hardcoded the name of the sink where I can listen Spotify while recording:
pactl load-module module-combine-sink 'sink_name=spotify' slaves=Butyok
"Butyok" is a networked sink on my system provided by module-tunnel-sink-new , which is connected to my Hifi through a RPi.
You will need to adapt this, so run
pactl list sinks
and look for a sink you would like to use for this purpose. Something like alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo
or whatever you have.
Then modify the line #25 to look lik this
pactl load-module module-combine-sink 'sink_name=spotify' slaves=alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo
It should then work for you.
Ok thanks :smile: