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Results 85 introduction-to-github issues
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**Describe the bug** All the videos (except What is GitHub) are 7 years old. They show an outdated UI and include things like `master` as the canonical branch name. Not...


**Describe the bug** In Step 1, What is a branch section. There is a sentence that reads "You can make edits in your branch without impacting the main version." The...


### Why: Closes [issue link] ### What's being changed: ### Check off the following: - [ ] For workflow changes, I have verified the Actions workflows function as expected. -...

### Why: There are several grammatical errors in the article that may impact readability. ### What's being changed: Grammatical errors listed below are fixed: - edit to your project →...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** I think it may be helpful for people with no development background to have an explanation pf what version control...

We currently use pushes to the `main` branch as the trigger for checking that a pull request was merged: While it's true that merging a PR into the `main`...

**Describe the bug** A clear and concise description of what the bug is. **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1. Go to '...' 2. Click on '....' 3. Scroll...

### Why: Closes [issue link] ### What's being changed: ### Check off the following: - [ ] For workflow changes, I have verified the Actions workflows function as expected. -...

### Why: Closes [issue link] ### What's being changed: ### Check off the following: - [ ] For workflow changes, I have verified the Actions workflows function as expected. -...