easy6502 copied to clipboard
Indirect indexed addressing: Addresses are not wrapping within zeropage.
Addresses are not wrapping within zeropage as they do on a real 6502.
When running LDA ($FF), Y
with Y = 0, the 6502 simulator takes the low byte from $FF and the high byte from $0100.
It can be seen when running this code:
LDA #$00
STA $00
LDA #$02
LDA #$04
STA $0100
STA $0402
LDA #$c2
STA $02
LDY #$00
LDA ($FF), Y
After executing this code, A should be equal to C2 and not AC.
PinoBatch, on the Nesdev wiki figured out that it is due to getWord()
which does not handle wrapping: https://github.com/skilldrick/easy6502/blob/bb213ae3432f1eec37fff1e3e49a99fb75a5dd8b/simulator/assembler.js#L587-L593