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How to generate Calibration file for my own dataset?
i want to know the KITTI method that how did they generated calib file because when i generate it and it is totally different in syntax as compared to to that and no fruitful results. I made it by opencv chess method. kindly tell me how i can get my calib file in syntax like of the KITTIs. Thanks
the Calibration file is recorded from the camera when they collected the kitti dataset, so, unless you collect your own dataset, you should get the Calibration file through your own camera.that's what i am thinking currently
@JiaxinTse I have my own dataset. How can I generate calibration of my camera just like KITTIs file?
@yasirjutt683 you might need to read the kitti datasets paper, they explained how they produce the calibration. I think when you take a photo using your own camera, you should have way to get the calibration through the camera itself, I don't know how you collect your datasets. Common datasets like MS coco or pascal voc do not have the calibration file, that's because they did not record it when they collect the pictures. you'd better go to check the original paper...By the way, currently i am also training the model on my own datasets, but the result is not good. And i am using the global calibration file, i dont konw if I can fit the model to my datasets well when I don't have calibration file for my own datasets. My datasets are just like pascal voc, with only labeled images. Do you have any ideas on how to train on your own datasets?
please help me with that if you already found a solution
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