matebook-13and14-OpenCore-Hackintosh copied to clipboard
A list of workable bluetooth mouse,and please share your experience,有关可用的蓝牙鼠标(随时更新,欢迎留言)
- 苹果的妙控2
- 亲眼所见,微软设计师鼠标可用淘宝链接
- 亲眼所见,型号为thinkpad 0a36193(SMB)的蓝牙鼠标可用,购买选“蓝牙无线激光”,京东链接-移动端
- 以下几个蓝牙鼠标根据群友测试说可用,但是我没亲眼所见,要是买了发现不能用别怪我
EN version:
- Apple Magic mouse 2
- MicroSoft designer 2nd gen
- Lenovo thinkpad 0a36193(SMB)
I've seen 1-3 of upper list worked by my own eyes,but following list are just heard those works from my sns group members.
----Rapoo m200g/Razer Atheris/Logitech m336/MicroSoft sculpt/Philips spk7355
Xiaomi bluetooth silent mouse works fine but it takes long time to connect it
Xiaomi bluetooth silent mouse works fine but it takes long time to connect it
Thank you for reporting.
Rapoo i35 works fine,and it can connect automaticly between win10 and macos without re-pair
Rapoo i35 works fine,and it can connect automaticly between win10 and macos without re-pair
wow,that sound so perfect,if it has a good look
补充一下,本人matebook 13 显卡MX150那款 应该是2019款吧,i5 8G ,pm981换成了intel固态,bigsur 蓝牙鼠标不能移动,升级monterey后,华为自带的鼠标与雷柏m200g都可以使用。 关于HIDPI分辨率,觉得1343×895显示的内容还是有点少,所以使用的是1920x1280的HIDPI分辨率,会花屏或只显示四分之一,但合上盖子再重新打开就好了,不行就退出登陆--》合上盖子,再重新打开就行了。觉得还可以接受,对作者的贡献表示感谢!🙏🏻
@Colddew96 11咋升级引导和驱动更新[email protected]希望可以帮我一下,同款电脑
Hi, after updating IntelBluetoothFirmware.kext (version 2.1.0) Huawei mouse works well. os: 12.0.1 laptop: Huawei matebook 13 2019
用的哪个驱动啊 华为蓝牙鼠标