Daniel Arnold
Daniel Arnold
Looking forward to this being further implemented. I can think of tons of uses for this, even outside of retro gaming. Thank you.
This is great news, especially considering the current UART TX on the board could already allow for this expansion. Having a dedicated hardware module for this would be a nice...
I just tested this on a v1.2 card, flashed with supplied pgusinit straight from DOS and I can confirm this is working. Switching modes on the fly working in games...
GUS could use an auto initialize after switching modes (and maybe others I haven't tested). That way it saves having to run pgusinit again to initialize or else it won't...
Here are some packet dumps testing with doom19. This seems to be an issue with dali as dosbox to pptp seems to work fine. [dali - dali - doom19.txt](https://github.com/fragglet/ipxbox/files/7915381/dali.-.dali.-.doom19.txt) [dali...
Tried this connection last night with Shadow Warrior using a self compiled version of Dali with the latest code and Win98 PPTP using real hardware. When the game starts to...
I logged a pcap file for two different sessions that might provide a little more information. edit: I originally labeled these files wrong and also added PCAP file for DosBox...
> Looks like Dali isn't byte-swapping the length field properly for its keepalive pings: > > ```python > >>> "%x" % 7680 > '1e00' > >>> 0x1e > 30 >...
I did a quick test by forcing the size with htons(0x1e) under sendPingReply() and even though the size seems to be correct in pcap file, it is still not connecting...
I have gone over several pcap logs over and over now and I have not spotted anything else I can see is unusual. Actually what is strange is the packets...