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🛍️ 🚀 AWS Software as a Service App with subscriptions using Stripe Quickstart

T3chFlicks: AWS SaaS App with Stripe Quickstart

Quickstart for running an example Sofware as a Service app on AWS allowing users to make subscriptions and payments via stripe. thumbnail


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User Management State Machine


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Step By Step Instructions

  1. This project assumes the existence of a domain hosted on Route53 and with SSL certificates for both the region of your service and US-EAST-1.
    1. Get a domain on AWS
    2. Create a hosted zone on Route53
    3. Create two HTTPS Certificates
      • One for your region e.g. eu-west-1
      • One for cloudfront which must be us-east-1
  2. Deploy 00-infra.yml to create code bucket, certificate, and email alerts.
    •   aws cloudformation deploy --template-file ./00-infra.yml --stack-name infra --region=eu-west-1  --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM --parameter-overrides 
  3. Deploy 01-vpc.yml to create vpc
    •   aws cloudformation deploy --template-file ./01-vpc.yml --stack-name vpc
  4. Deploy 02-tables.yml to create user and product tables
    • aws cloudformation deploy --template-file ./02-tables.yml --stack-name tables
  5. Deploy 03-user-manager.yml and use your own Stripe parameters to create a State Machine
    • Package AddPlan lambda and upload to bucket - the bucket name should be ~ s3://infra-codebucket-...
    •   aws cloudformation deploy --template-file ./03-user-manager.yml --stack-name user-manager --region=eu-west-1  --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM
  6. Create Stripe Account
    • get test API keys
  7. Create Stripe products using extra/StripeScripts/
    • using new secret test key
    • using product table name exported from previous step.
  8. Deploy 04-congito.yml to create the user pool and post confirmation functions using Stripe params
    •   aws cloudformation deploy --template-file ./04-cognito.yml --stack-name cognito --region=eu-west-1  --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM --parameter-overrides 
  9. Deploy 05-user-api.yml to create the user api and create functions
    •   aws cloudformation deploy --template-file ./05-user-api.yml --stack-name user-api --region=eu-west-1  --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM --parameter-overrides 
  10. Create Stripe web hook using extra/StripeScripts/
    • use WebHookAPIUrl + endpoint
  11. Deploy 06-stripe-api.yml to create webhook api
    • add Stripe Secret key
    • add Stripe web hook Secret
    •   aws cloudformation deploy --template-file ./06-stripe-api.yml --stack-name stripe-api --region=eu-west-1  --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM --parameter-overrides 
  12. Deploy 07-test-service.yml as an example service running on the load balancer which verifies the user request
    •   aws cloudformation deploy --template-file ./07-test-api.yml --stack-name test-api --region=eu-west-1  --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM
  13. Deploy 08-site.yml
    •   aws cloudformation deploy --template-file ./08-site.yml --stack-name site --region=eu-west-1  --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM      
  14. Add parameters to frontend/src/main.js
    • Root Domain
    • Region
    • UserApiUrl
    • TestApiUrl
    • CognitoUserPoolId
    • CognitoUserPoolClientId
  15. Add parameter to frontend/src/views/Pricing.png
    • publishableKey from Stripe
  16. Build
    • npm run build
  17. Deploy to S3 bucket
    •   aws s3 cp ./dist s3://saas-app.YOUR_DOMAIN --recursive

Extra Info

This project was created by T3chFlicks - A tech focused education and services company.