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Dockerfile for SJTUG mirror


This repository contains essential configurations and steps to set up a mirror like https://mirrors.sjtug.sjtu.edu.cn



  • lug is the component responsible for pulling packages from upstream by invoking various scripts under lug/worker-script. It reads configuration from lug/config.yaml and stores data at /mnt.
  • caddy is the web server we used in mirror. It serves local packages from /mnt, work as a reverse proxy for upstream, and provides basic authentication for lug API as its reverse proxy. It reads configuration from caddy/Caddyfile, which is generated by running ./gen_caddyfile.sh ../lug/config.yaml Caddyfile in caddy/. The generator reads template from caddy/Caddyfile.template.p2. Additionally, the certificate for the website is currently externally provided: mounted at /certs.
  • v2ray is the proxy solution used in this stack. Both Lug and Caddy rely on it for reliable networks. It reads configuration from v2ray/config.json.
  • git-http-backend is used to provide git repo mirroring service.



Configuration Dependencies



Setup Docker

  • Install Docker(>=17.06) following https://docs.docker.com/install
  • Install docker-compose following https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/
  • Update /etc/docker/daemon.json to:
	"storage-driver": "overlay2",
	"registry-mirrors": ["https://docker.mirrors.ustc.edu.cn"],
	"userland-proxy": false

Limiting new connections per ip

With Docker v.17.06 there is a new iptables chain called DOCKER-USER. Unlike the chain DOCKER it is not reset on building/starting containers. So you could add these lines to your iptables config/script for provisioning the server even before installing docker and starting the containers:

Add these to iptables rules (/etc/sysconfig/iptables-config on Fedora):

-A DOCKER-USER -p tcp -i enp+ -s -j RETURN
-A DOCKER-USER -p tcp -i enp+ -s -j RETURN
-A DOCKER-USER -p tcp -i enp+ --syn -m hashlimit --hashlimit 15/s --hashlimit-burst 30 --hashlimit-mode srcip --hashlimit-srcmask 32 --hashlimit-name forward-syn-reject -j RETURN
-A DOCKER-USER -p tcp -i enp+ --syn -j REJECT

Change enp+ to your names of physical interfaces.

Edit v2ray/config.json

Configure v2ray to connect to your v2ray-server. Follow docs at https://www.v2ray.com/.

Edit lug/config.yaml

Refer to Wiki for detailed explanation.

Edit caddy/Caddyfile.template.p2

Refer to Caddy's docs.

Generate Caddyfile

cd into caddy. Run ./gen_caddyfile.sh ../lug/config.yaml Caddyfile

Download frontend

  • Install jq in your distribution
  • cd into frontend. Run download_latest.sh to download the latest frontend release from https://github.com/sjtug/sjtug-mirror-frontend to dist/.

Edit docker-compose.yml

  • Change /mnt/data12T to your storage path
  • Change resource limits to your needs

Set and Go!

Run at base: docker-compose -d

Additional configurations

Prometheus monitoring

By default, the prometheus metrics of caddy and lug are exposed at :9180, :8081 respectively. You can set up Prometheus+Grafana stack on another server.

logz.io-based ELK stack

  • Register a new account at logz.io
  • Configure config.yaml as follows:
   address: listener.logz.io:5050 # logstash sink. Lug will send all logs to this address
       token: "your_logz_token" 
  • Also install logz docker logging collector on the host
  • Enable "Log shipping - Data parsing" for caddy log type
  • Done! Create your dashboard and alerts at app.logz.io