Shaya Potter

Results 55 issues of Shaya Potter

not all servers support remote resolution, and require one to send only ip addresses this add a new SOCKS5 dialer creation function that lets one pass in a custom *net.Resolver....

nyuu suffers from a few things in my opinion that would be fixed if it had a "server" (i.e. persistent) mode, instead of what I'd call its ephemeral nature of...

Currently, it seems, that nyuu forces users to create 2 connection pools for posting and checking. In my first attempt at using it, I specified `-n 45` and `-k 1`...

**Describe the bug** Redis supports 2 ways of sending invalidate messages. It can either send it to the connection (client id) that cached the itself via push messages (only RESP3)...

## System information - CPU information(`cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "model name" | uniq`): model name : Intel(R) Pentium(R) Silver J5005 CPU @ 1.50GHz - GPU information(`lspci -nn | grep -E...


Currently, if one has a blocked client (say 'blpop x 0'). And one has an RM_Call() that should unblock it (say 'lpush x 1'). The client will not be directly...


This enables modules to use WATCH / MULTI / EXEC to benefit from Redis's conception of transactions. Current RM_Call uses a dedicated temporary client per each call, which makes each...


Just a thought on that the shift/pop functions should take a timeout as well.

With normal redis outsides a container, I can send it a SIGINT or a SIGTERM and it catches it and stops cleanly basically immeadiately. When run with this docker container,...

By using a plain object, one does make it easy on the developer of the library to serialize whatever the user provides, but makes it difficult on the actual user...