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JetBrains Teamcity docker image
Docker image
JetBrains TeamCity docker image
Distributed Build Management and Continuous Integration Server
By default, each TeamCity installation runs under a Professional Server license including 3 build agents. This license is provided for free with any downloaded TeamCity binary and gives you full access to all product features with no time limit. The only restriction is a maximum of 100 build configurations (since 2017.2 vesion).
By pulling this image you accept the [JetBrains license agreement for TeamCity (Commercial License)] (
This docker image can use (optionally) an external postgress database instead of the internal database of teamcity. (recommended for production usage)
How to use this image with postgres?
SETUP_TEAMCITY_SQL="create role teamcity with login password 'teamcity';create database teamcity owner teamcity;"
# Start an official docker postgres instance
docker run --name some-postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=$POSTGRES_PASSWORD -d postgres
# Create the database using psql
docker run -it --link some-postgres:postgres --rm -e "SETUP_TEAMCITY_SQL=$SETUP_TEAMCITY_SQL" -e "PGPASSWORD=$POSTGRES_PASSWORD" postgres bash -c 'exec echo $SETUP_TEAMCITY_SQL |psql -h "$POSTGRES_PORT_5432_TCP_ADDR" -p "$POSTGRES_PORT_5432_TCP_PORT" -U postgres'
After this you can start the teamcity image linking it to the postgres image
docker run --link some-postgres:postgres -v <teamcitydir>:/var/lib/teamcity -d sjoerdmulder/teamcity:latest
In the installation screen of teamcity as host for postgress you can specify postgres
Howto upgrade to a new version?
docker pull sjoerdmulder/teamcity:latest
- stop the old image
docker run --link some-postgres:postgres -v <teamcitydir>:/var/lib/teamcity -p 8111:8111 sjoerdmulder/teamcity:latest