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JetBrains Teamcity docker image

Docker image

Docker automated build Docker Stars Docker Pulls

JetBrains TeamCity docker image

Distributed Build Management and Continuous Integration Server

By default, each TeamCity installation runs under a Professional Server license including 3 build agents. This license is provided for free with any downloaded TeamCity binary and gives you full access to all product features with no time limit. The only restriction is a maximum of 100 build configurations (since 2017.2 vesion).

By pulling this image you accept the [JetBrains license agreement for TeamCity (Commercial License)] (

This docker image can use (optionally) an external postgress database instead of the internal database of teamcity. (recommended for production usage)

How to use this image with postgres?

SETUP_TEAMCITY_SQL="create role teamcity with login password 'teamcity';create database teamcity owner teamcity;"

# Start an official docker postgres instance
docker run --name some-postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=$POSTGRES_PASSWORD -d postgres
# Create the database using psql
docker run -it --link some-postgres:postgres --rm -e "SETUP_TEAMCITY_SQL=$SETUP_TEAMCITY_SQL" -e "PGPASSWORD=$POSTGRES_PASSWORD" postgres bash -c 'exec echo $SETUP_TEAMCITY_SQL |psql -h "$POSTGRES_PORT_5432_TCP_ADDR" -p "$POSTGRES_PORT_5432_TCP_PORT" -U postgres'

After this you can start the teamcity image linking it to the postgres image

docker run --link some-postgres:postgres -v <teamcitydir>:/var/lib/teamcity -d sjoerdmulder/teamcity:latest

In the installation screen of teamcity as host for postgress you can specify postgres

Howto upgrade to a new version?

  1. docker pull sjoerdmulder/teamcity:latest
  2. stop the old image
  3. docker run --link some-postgres:postgres -v <teamcitydir>:/var/lib/teamcity -p 8111:8111 sjoerdmulder/teamcity:latest