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Repository for the ECCV 2020 paper: "Low Light Video Enhancement using Synthetic Data Produced with an Intermediate Domain Mapping"

SIDGAN: Low Light Video Enhancement using Synthetic Data Produced with an Intermediate Domain Mapping (ECCV 2020)

Danai Triantafyllidou, Sean Moran, Steven McDonagh, Sarah Parisot, Greg Slabaugh

Huawei Noah's Ark Lab

Author's personal repository for the ECCV 2020 paper SIDGAN: Low Light Video Enhancement using Synthetic Data Produced with an Intermediate Domain Mapping. Here you will find a link to the code, pre-trained models and information on the datasets. Please raise a Github issue if you need assistance of have any questions on the research. The official Huawei repository for SIDGAN is located here.

[Paper @ CVF]

[Video (10 Minutes)]

[Supplementary @ CVF]


1. Clone the code from Github

Clone the code and place it under $PATH_TO_CODE

git clone

2. Install dependencies

Python: see requirement.txt for complete list of used packages. We recommend doing a clean installation of requirements using virtualenv

conda create -n sidganenv python=3.5
source activate sidganenv
pip install -r requirement.txt

If you dont want to do the above clean installation via virtualenv, you could also directly install the requirements through:

pip install -r requirement.txt --no-index

Running the code

1. Download the data

Please download the SID Motion and Vimeo-90k datasets and create the following folder structure in $PATH_TO_DATA

└── data
    ├── SID_long
    ├── VBM4D_rawRGB
    └── vimeo

2. Running the training code

To train a cycleGAN model for the task of mapping Vimeo videos (domain A) into the SID Motion long exposure (domain B), do:

python --data_root' $PATH_TO_DATA --project_root $PATH_TO_CODE --name $EXP_NAME

To train a cycleGAN model for the task of mapping SID Motion long exposure (domain B) into the SID Motion short exposure (domain C), do:

python --data_root' $PATH_TO_DATA --project_root $PATH_TO_CODE --NAME $EXP_NAME

Training results will be saved in $PATH_TO_CODE/experiments/$EXP_NAME

├── images
├── log
├── meta_data.json
└── saved_models


If you find the code useful, please cite this paper:

  title={Low Light Video Enhancement using Synthetic Data Produced with an Intermediate Domain Mapping},
  author={Triantafyllidou, Danai and Moran, Sean and McDonagh, Steven and Parisot, Sarah and Slabaugh, Gregory},
  booktitle={European Conference on Computer Vision},


BSD-0-Clause License


We appreciate all contributions. If you are planning to contribute back bug-fixes, please do so without any further discussion.

If you plan to contribute new features, utility functions or extensions to the core, please first open an issue and discuss the feature with us. Sending a PR without discussion might end up resulting in a rejected PR, because we might be taking the core in a different direction than you might be aware of.