badwolf copied to clipboard
i've been using badwolf since the early days of Clojure (thank you also for your plugins from those days such as vim-clojure-static).
I am doing quite a lot of writing in markdown recently using tpope's syntax highlighting. That plugin uses htmlItalic, htmlBold, htmlBoldItalic.
It would be great if badwolf at least supported htmlItalic.
Thanks for such a great colourscheme and reminding me on a daily basis how good Christopher Eccleston was as Doctor Who.
I am wondering if I have the same issue. htmlItalic works fine for me but the problem was markdown italics being shown bold. First I thought too that the issue is with htmlItalic, but actually, markdownItalic is overwritten by the colorscheme in ~/.vim/plugged/badwolf/colors/badwolf.vim as follows:
call s:HL('markdownItalic', 'snow', '', 'bold')
This should be replaced with
call s:HL('markdownItalic', 'snow', '', 'italic')