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Utility for encrypting and decrypting secrets with the AWS KMS service


Library for encrypting and decrypting secrets within the AWS ecosystem.

  • Features
  • Installation
  • Usage
    • General Prerequisites
    • Shell
    • Node
    • Python
    • Rust
  • How it Works?


  • Interoperable - Interoperable implementations for Bash, NodeJS, Python and Rust.
  • Secure - AES encryption with KMS generated data keys (details).
  • Simple - Simple API for encrypting and decrypting sensitive data from all supported languages.



curl -LO && chmod +x


npm install aws-kms-crypt


pip install aws-kms-crypt


In cargo.toml

aws_kms_crypt = "0.1.0"


General Prerequisites

All implementations require access to AWS credentials.

When encrypting data, the credentials must allow the following actions:

  • kms:GenerateDataKey
  • kms:GenerateRandom

When decrypting data, the credentials must allow the following actions:

  • kms:Decrypt

In both cases, the access can (and should in the case of kms:Decrypt) be further limited with IAM policy conditions (see here for details).

Shell Scripts (Bash)

The shell script at shell/ provides an interface for shell scripts to encrypt and decrypt data. The script needs the following commands / tools to function:

  • aws
  • base64
  • cut
  • jq
  • od
  • openssl
  • sed

Encrypting Data

# No encryption context
echo -n "secretp4ssw0rd!" | ./ encrypt --kms-key-id alias/common > encrypted-plan.json

# With encryption context
echo -n "secretp4ssw0rd!" | ./ encrypt --kms-key-id alias/common --encryption-context type=plan,entity=admins > encrypted-plan.json

Decrypting Data

$ cat encrypted-plan.json | ./ decrypt


The nodejs directory contains a Node package that implements the KMS based encryption and decryption functionality.

A recent version of Node (>= 4) is required.

Encrypting Data

Use the encrypt() function of the module to encrypt any stringified data:

const kmscrypt = require('aws-kms-crypt')
kmscrypt.encrypt('secretp4ssw0rd!', {
  key: 'alias/common', // Change your key here
  region: 'eu-west-1', // AWS SDK needs to know this
  encryptionContext: { purpose: 'automation' } // optional, can be left out
}, function (err, result) {
  if (err) {
    return console.log('Encryption failed:', err)

  console.log(JSON.stringify(result, null, 2))
  // Console output:
  // {
  //   "EncryptedData": "DPQ0OZ8auGY6ohQb/pypAHJTAPaQre7RrEtziIhRgB8=",
  //   "EncryptedDataKey": "<snip>CBZogG5a",
  //   "EncryptionContext": {
  //     "purpose": "automation"
  //   },
  //   "Iv": "6f93b293f7f77ddf7525bf43038f01c4"
  // }

Decrypting Data

To decrypt previously encrypted data, feed the parsed JSON document into the decrypt() function of the module:

const kmscrypt = require('aws-kms-crypt')
  'EncryptedData': 'TSHgAb4MYkacM9qtdO5OeLQax6jze3P7+zIeUDpakC4=',
  'EncryptedDataKey': '<snip>KqnVhLZY+8',
  'EncryptionContext': {
    'purpose': 'automation'
  'Iv': '6cfbac80d90df12a6357a8f91b57f907'
}, { region: 'eu-west-1' }, function (err, result) {
  if (err) {
    return console.log('Encryption failed:', err)

  // => secretp4ssw0rd!


The python directory contains a Python package that implements the KMS based encryption and decryption functionality. It supports Python 3.6 and newer.

Encrypting Data

import kmscrypt

res = kmscrypt.encrypt('secretp4ssw0rd!', key_id='alias/common', encryption_context={
  'purpose': 'automation'

# res is now a dict of form
# {
#   'EncryptedData': 'Su00srm/ru5kd9DLDvi0EdEjjBGUrRBJ06vUmL8QHUU=',
#   'EncryptedDataKey': 'AQIDAHhyrbU/fP<snip>',
#   'EncryptionContext': {'purpose': 'automation'},
#   'Iv': 'd07acff1e2301c468cd3164b8858e477'
# }

Decrypting Data

secret = kmscrypt.decrypt(res)
print(secret) # => b'secretp4ssw0rd!'


The rust directory contains a rust crate that implements KMS based encryption and decryption functionality.

Encrypting Data

extern crate aws_kms_crypt;
extern crate serde_json;

use std::collections::HashMap;

fn main() {
    let mut encryption_context = HashMap::new();
    encryption_context.insert("entity".to_owned(), "admin".to_owned());

    let options = aws_kms_crypt::EncryptOptions {
        encryption_context: encryption_context,
        key: "alias/common".into(),
        region: "eu-west-1".into()

    let data = "secret".into();
    let res = aws_kms_crypt::encrypt(&data, &options);
    println!("{}", serde_json::to_string(&res.unwrap()).unwrap());

Decrypting Data

Here's a full example that uses serde_json to deserialize the JSON encoded secret into a struct:

extern crate aws_kms_crypt;
extern crate serde_json;

fn main() {
    let raw = r#"{
        "EncryptedData": "vRhu+D5LrwNctyhxDvUoqL51YH2LclgUKtDz/2Nxy6Y=",
        "EncryptedDataKey": "<snip>KBFRpvDvpXNXu3e/tTO6Jfi",
        "EncryptionContext": {
            "entity": "admin"
        "Iv": "31bf06a8e0d15a26f1325da6f4f33a9c"

    let data: aws_kms_crypt::EncryptedSecret = serde_json::from_str(raw).unwrap();
    let options = aws_kms_crypt::DecryptOptions {
        region: "eu-west-1".to_owned()

    let res = aws_kms_crypt::decrypt(&data, &options);
    println!("Secret is: {:?}", res.unwrap());

How it works?

Encrypting Data

The following steps are taken when the data is encrypted:

  1. A random 16 byte initialization vector is generated with the GenerateRandom KMS API call (shell) or through a platform-specific randomness API (Node, Python)
  2. A data encryption key for AES-128 algorithm is generated with the GenerateDataKey` KMS API call
  3. The input data is encrypted locally with AES-128-CBC algorithm using the plaintext version of the generated data key together with the generated IV for encryption.
  4. The encrypted data, encrypted data key and the initialization vector is outputted into a JSON document of following format:
      "EncryptedData": "<base64>",
      "EncryptedDataKey": "<base64>",
      "EncryptionContext": {
        "KeyName1": "1",
        "KeyName2": "2"
      "Iv": "<hex>"

This JSON output can be saved to a file and stored in (semi) publicly available location as it does not reveal anything about the encrypted data.

Decrypting the Data

The decryption phase extracts the data from the JSON document the encryption phase produced and takes the following steps to decrypt the data:

  1. The encrypted data key is decrypted using the Decrypt KMS API call to retrieve the plaintext data encryption key
  2. The plaintext data key and the IV is used to decrypt the encrypted data locally.

Future Work

  • Support other algorithms than AES-128-CBC
  • Automated testing of interoperability