BSEQuencer copied to clipboard
I.e. instrument names for each track from the app/plugin BSEQuencer is connected to.
Selectable as a scale?
I know that @x42 made an extension to LV2 but it's not officially in the LV2 standards. Right?
It's implemented in both other plugins and one other sequencer (Ardour) so far
If I understand this feature in the right way, B.SEQuencer has to run as a host application for MIDNAM. Generator plugins provide the information, and sequencers show them. I have really no idea how it should work. Unless B.SEQuencer would act as a LV2 host (like Carla, load plugins within B.SEQuencer, not in the host environment/DAW). But I'm really not willing to go this way.
If we find a way to pass this info from one plugin to another, that should be all it takes. I dont see such a thing in the current spec though.
My suggestion is to add a new option URI, so host can call options->set, thus informing a plugin that can receive midnam of it.
We already use options extension for a few things, more commonly for the host to tell the plugin about the sequence and (expected) audio buffer size. @x42 what do you think? it is not something ardour will ever use, but having a definition on the official header files will help its adoption.
this will be very useful for hosts that can connect such plugins.