martin chan
martin chan
I managed to fix this by changing the docker image tag to "1.10.0-cuda11.3-cudnn8-devel"
This could be resolved with the following commands: ``` mkdir -p /MY-DATA-DIR && cd /MY-DATA-DIR mkdir models outputs sudo chown 10000:$UID -R models outputs sudo chmod 775 -R models outputs...
1. That would require multiple user support. I'm not quite familiar with it, but I could have a look. 2. This PR can restore progress for both txt2img and img2img....
1. It seems like back-end support would be a more appropriate way on this ... 2. Okay 3. No problem
I've made some changes based on the feedback I received. For (1), I updated the Task API to be user-specific when authentication is enabled. This means that users won't be...
Have you tried using the pre-built image?