Whatsapp-Group-Contacts-Scraper copied to clipboard
dosen't work
it looks like there some class are switch. first error is in 15:00
the next is in 34:~ it found the class but I think the position switch.
Than, not sure if have destroy it because I have changse some lines. the maximal count of person ist 51. the script must scroll for load the rest of person or the screen size must be set extra large (with the dev tools or zoom out)
thanks for the nice script
Try https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/wa-group-contacts-exporte/logphdfbdkcnanagckdlfeiolbjboneh?authuser=1
I congratulate the coder for the work done so far !
Doesn't work for me too !
I found a working script at https://gist.github.com/shaneapen/3406477b9f946855d02e3f33ec121975