linuxcnc-ethercat copied to clipboard
could not insert module lcec.ko
Hello sittner
Thank you for your work
I installed your driver using deb ./
My problem is running the program using loadrt lcec
in the hal file.
I getting that:
Error: could not insert module /usr/realtime-3.4-9-rtai-686-pae/modules/linuxcnc/lcec.ko: Unknown symbol in module
I know little about this and I hope for Your help. Would you mind pointing me in the right direction?
Hi, ilyaq Are you using RTAI, are not you? I think the new version only works for RP-PREEMPT .. regards Chimeno
Hi, chimeno
I think you're right. I'm using the LinuxCNC distribute 2.7.12. Can you tell me where to find knowledge about RP-PREEMPT?
uname -a
Linux debian 3.4-9-rtai-686-pae #1 SMP PREEMPT Debian 3.4.55-4linuxcnc i686 GNU/Linux
SMP PREEMPT is this not appropriate?
hi ilyaq important is "debian 3.4-9-rtai-686-pae" your core kernel is rtai, there are two options or re-copy the kenner or if you do not have much experience install linuxcnc again from this location that is formed by 4.9.5 with core RT-PREEMPT regards Chimeno
Hi, chimeno I used the second option and installed linuxcnc which you advised me. It helped, thank you! But now I get another error. I am trying to run swm-fm45a example
To run under a debugger with I/O, use e.g.,
sudo env RTAPI_UID=
id -u RTAPI_FIFO_PATH=$HOME/.rtapi_fifo gdb rtapi_app
./swm-fm45a.hal:16: waitpid failed /usr/bin/rtapi_app trivkins
./swm-fm45a.hal:16: /usr/bin/rtapi_app exited without becoming ready
./swm-fm45a.hal:16: insmod for trivkins failed, returned -1
I'm not sure I installed the HAL-driver correctly
regards ilyaq
hi ilyaq, If you are running it and the configuration is not correct, it will give you an error, start with a module and gradually add it. regards Albert
Hi, chimeno
First, Thank you for your help
May I clarify? What configuration do you mean? I can't use loadrt lcec
in my hal file. I get the error
Do you know what this is about? XML, ini, hal or are there other configurations I could skip?
hi ilyaq, what modules do you have?
.hal file
load ethercat config parser
loadusr -W lcec_conf ethercat-conf.xml "edit with the modules you have"
load ethercat realtime module
loadrt lcec addf servo-thread addf lcec.write-all servo-thread
regards Chimeno
Hi Chimeno,
i have two servo drive Delta ASDA A2-E.
If I don't edit .xml file, then the program will not start?
I mean. I used loadusr -W lcec_conf ethercat-conf.xml
and loadrt lcec
in .hal file, but I get an error when the program reaches the line containing loadrt lcec
. But I didn't edit the .xml file. Can whether the reason be in this?
Yeah, I made sure it was. Now I need to figure out how to properly create this .xml file for my modules
hi ilyaq, sure the error comes from the .XML file, if you only have two modules you would have to edit it in this way I think, I do not use the DELTA servo, I do not know if I can help you a lot, regards Chimeno
edit .xml
masters> master idx = "0" appTimePeriod = "1000000" refClockSyncCycles = "1000"> slave idx = "0" type = "DeASDA" name = "3A1"> dcConf assignActivate = "300" sync0Cycle = "* 1" sync0Shift = "- 25000" /> / slave> slave idx = "1" type = "DeASDA" name = "3A2"> dcConf assignActivate = "300" sync0Cycle = "* 1" sync0Shift = "- 25000" /> / slave> / master> / masters>
Hi chimeno, You've already helped me a lot. And I'm ashamed of myself, but I still need help. I've been trying to figure it out on my own, but so far, it's not working.
I get this error message: ./swm-fm45a-io.hal:41: parameter or pin 'lcec.0.3A1.srv-pos-scale' not found Do you know what this is about?
Regards, Ilya
Hello Ilya, if it is a common error, it means that in your .hal file you have connected a pin to 'lcec.0.3A1.srv-pos-scale that does not exist, looking at the file src / lcec_deasda.c I think it would be "lcec.0.3A1. pos-scale ", prove if it works for you now.
regards Chimeno
Hello Chimeno, Yes, It worked! Many thanks! Following your example, i found in file lcec_deasda.c this parameter - pos-scale and used it instead of srv-pos-scale.
Now I get the following error:
./swm-fm45a-io.hal:70: Pin 'lcec.0.3A1.srv-pos-extenc' does not exist
In the hal file is written as follows:
# motor encoder position is used as joint
# position feedback
net x-pos-fb <= lcec.0.3A1.srv-pos-extenc
I tried to find information in the lcec_deasda.c and lcec_deasda.h files, and tried using different parameters from them, but so far without success.
regards Ilya
Hello Ilya, It's the same mistake that happened before, I think it would be something like this:
#motor encoder position is used as joint #position feedback net x-post-fb <= lcec.0.3A1.srv-vel-fb
regards Chimeno
Hello chimeno, Thank you for your time and help
It works, but it's wrong. This is a speed feedback, not a position. and when the engine stops, the data on this axis is reset to zero. So far, I'm still looking for the right parameter
Regards Ilya
Hello Ilya, you can look at the issue of the "generic" driver, it can help you with the tests. regards Chimeno
Hello chimeno
I found the right pin.
If anyone needs it, then you need to use the following
net x-post-fb <= lcec.0.3A1.enc-pos
I am very grateful to you, chimeno! regards Ilya
Hello Ilya, I'm glad you finally work well! It has been a pleasure to help you! regards Chimeno