
Results 171 comments of Ryan

That's weird. At this point, it should only redraw on `CmdlineEnter`. Perhaps it's not something else that is the issue? Can you try using https://github.com/jeffkreeftmeijer/vim-numbertoggle and see if the same...

> > Can you try using https://github.com/jeffkreeftmeijer/vim-numbertoggle and see if the same issue exists on that plugin? > > Yes this plugin also have the exact same behaviour as in...

I have created a PR to add Discrakt to [Scoop](http://scoop.sh/): https://github.com/ScoopInstaller/Extras/pull/10285. Please fix #47 so that I won't need the [`pre_install`](https://github.com/sitiom/Extras/blob/a4fd0af170234401caf1b2bd4351a6e027a0963e/bucket/discrakt.json#L22-L25) workaround in the manifest. Assuming #46 is implemented, one...

The issue title should be better renamed to something like "Handle DLLs for symlinked executables." > This could be fixed either by: > > 1. Adding the `dll`s folder to...

> Upgrades are only supported if the scopes match and the installers are directly compatible with each other iirc. Yes, but in this case it should match. Winget is saying...

The packages mentioned above are user-scoped only. See also https://github.com/russellbanks/Komac/issues/103#issuecomment-1445342342: > That has no effect on the behavior of the installer. The install does write to that location, but the...

Can you point to me a per-user only MSI installer that properly places the registry in the `HKCU`? So far the packages that I have found all install in `HKLM`...

> I use `InstallScope="perUser" Platform="x64"`, so I don't know whether this is Java or Wix that is putting it in the wrong place. Or it's by design: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32273217/how-and-why-installation-per-user-manages-to-write-to-hklm. Winget should...

> If it's a WIX bug then it's best to file an issue over at their repository to check if it's intentional or not. Developers of WIX are also in...

> So maybe thats a straightforward way to solve it, just add the installed dir to `PATH`?. (I am not familar with the project and I don't know what other...