FuckAdBlock copied to clipboard
Detects ad blockers (AdBlock, ...)
FuckAdBlock (v3.2.1)
You can detect nasty ad blockers. Online example: http://sitexw.fr/fuckadblock/
(There is also a project, BlockAdBlock, with a more convenient name)
Come and see the future of FuckAdBlock: V4 Beta
Valid on
- Google Chrome
- Mozilla Firefox
- Internet Explorer (8+)
- Safari
- Opera
Install via
npm install fuckadblock
bower install fuckadblock
https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/fuckadblock.min.js
sha256-4/8cdZfUJoNm8DLRzuKwvhusQbdUqVov+6bVj9ewL7U= (fuckadblock.js)
sha256-xjwKUY/NgkPjZZBOtOxRYtK20GaqTwUCf7WYCJ1z69w= (fuckadblock.min.js)
Code example
Ideally positioned at the end of <body>
// Function called if AdBlock is not detected
function adBlockNotDetected() {
alert('AdBlock is not enabled');
// Function called if AdBlock is detected
function adBlockDetected() {
alert('AdBlock is enabled');
// We look at whether FuckAdBlock already exists.
if(typeof fuckAdBlock !== 'undefined' || typeof FuckAdBlock !== 'undefined') {
// If this is the case, it means that something tries to usurp are identity
// So, considering that it is a detection
} else {
// Otherwise, you import the script FuckAdBlock
var importFAB = document.createElement('script');
importFAB.onload = function() {
// If all goes well, we configure FuckAdBlock
importFAB.onerror = function() {
// If the script does not load (blocked, integrity error, ...)
// Then a detection is triggered
importFAB.integrity = 'sha256-xjwKUY/NgkPjZZBOtOxRYtK20GaqTwUCf7WYCJ1z69w=';
importFAB.crossOrigin = 'anonymous';
importFAB.src = 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/fuckadblock/3.2.1/fuckadblock.min.js';
Default options
// At launch, check if AdBlock is enabled
// Uses the method fuckAdBlock.check()
checkOnLoad: true
// At the end of the check, is that it removes all events added ?
resetOnEnd: true
// The number of milliseconds between each check
loopCheckTime: 50
// The number of negative checks after which there is considered that AdBlock is not enabled
// Time (ms) = 50*(5-1) = 200ms (per default)
loopMaxNumber: 5
// CSS class used by the bait caught AdBlock
baitClass: 'pub_300x250 pub_300x250m pub_728x90 text-ad textAd text_ad text_ads text-ads text-ad-links'
// CSS style used to hide the bait of the users
baitStyle: 'width: 1px !important; height: 1px !important; position: absolute !important; left: -10000px !important; top: -1000px !important;'
// Displays the debug in the console (available only from version 3.2 and more)
debug: false
Method available
// Allows to set options
// #options: string|object
// #value: string
fuckAdBlock.setOption(options, value);
// Manually check if AdBlock is enabled.
// Returns `true` upon completion of check.
// Returns `false` if check cannot be performed (eg due to another check in progress).
// The parameter 'loop' allows checking without loop several times according to the value of 'loopMaxNumber'
// Example: loop=true => time~=200ms (time varies depending on the configuration)
// loop=false => time~=1ms
// #loop: boolean (default: true)
// Allows to manually simulate the presence of AdBlock or not
// #detected: boolean (AdBlock is detected ?)
// Allows to clear all events added via methods 'on', 'onDetected' and 'onNotDetected'
// Allows to add an event if AdBlock is detected
// #detected: boolean (true: detected, false: not detected)
// #fn: function
fuckAdBlock.on(detected, fn);
// Similar to fuckAdBlock.on(true|false, fn)
(Available only from version 3.1 and more) By default, FuckAdBlock is instantiated automatically. To block this automatic instantiation, simply create a variable "fuckAdBlock" with a value (null, false, ...) before importing the script.
<script>var fuckAdBlock = false;</script>
<script src="./fuckadblock.js"></script>
After that, you are free to create your own instances:
fuckAdBlock = new FuckAdBlock;
// and|or
myFuckAdBlock = new FuckAdBlock({
checkOnLoad: true,
resetOnEnd: true