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Sending Metrics to Grafana Cloud Graphite

Open josephcy95 opened this issue 2 years ago • 4 comments


I've finally able to send metrics to the free Grafana Cloud Graphite after a few attempt, and this is a short walkthrough of the how to do it.

1. Install carbon-relay-ng based on your distribution, this doesn't work with ARM arch, unfortunately I couldn't find ARM compatible nor able to build it.

$ wget --content-disposition
$ sudo apt install ./carbon-relay-ng_1.2-1_amd64.deb

2. Login your grafana cloud and click "send metrics" on graphite, in that page you should find the config for your carbon-relay-ng, generate and replace the user and api key in below config, save the config in /etc/carbon-relay-ng/carbon-relay-ng.conf

## Global settings ##
# instance id's distinguish stats of multiple relays.
# do not run multiple relays with the same instance id.
# supported variables:
#  ${HOST} : hostname
instance = "${HOST}"

## System ##
# this setting can be used to override the default GOMAXPROCS logic
# it is ignored if the GOMAXPROCS environment variable is set
max_procs = 2
pid_file = ""
# directory for spool files
spool_dir = "spool"

## Logging ##
# one of trace debug info warn error fatal panic
# see docs/ for level descriptions
# note: if you used to use "notice", you should now use "info".
log_level = "info"

## Inputs ##
### plaintext Carbon ###
listen_addr = ""
# close inbound plaintext connections if they've been idle for this long ("0s" to disable)
plain_read_timeout = "2m"
### Pickle Carbon ###
pickle_addr = ""
# close inbound pickle connections if they've been idle for this long ("0s" to disable)
pickle_read_timeout = "2m"

## Validation of inputs ##
# you can also validate that each series has increasing timestamps
validate_order = false

# How long to keep track of invalid metrics seen
# Useful time units are "s", "m", "h"
bad_metrics_max_age = "24h"

key = 'grafanaNet'
type = 'grafanaNet'
addr = ''
apikey = '662532:<Your API Key>'
schemasFile = '/etc/carbon-relay-ng/storage-schemas.conf'
aggregationFile = '/etc/carbon-relay-ng/storage-aggregation.conf' # optional

## Instrumentation ##
# in addition to serving internal metrics via expvar, you can send them to graphite/carbon
# IMPORTANT: setting this to "" will disable flushing, and metrics will pile up and lead to OOM
# see
# so for now you MUST send them somewhere. sorry.
# (Also, the interval here must correspond to your setting in storage-schemas.conf if you use Grafana Cloud)
graphite_addr = "localhost:2003"
graphite_interval = 10000  # in ms

3. You also need to save below config as /etc/carbon-relay-ng/storage-schemas.conf which define your metrics retention period, make changes based on your needs as well.

  pattern = .*
  retentions = 10s:1d

pattern = ^sitespeed_io\.
retentions = 10m:40d

4. Now you can start your carbon-relay-ng

$ /usr/bin/carbon-relay-ng /etc/carbon-relay-ng/carbon-relay-ng.conf

5. I also use systemd to make sure my carbon-relay-ng start when server reboot


ExecStart=/usr/bin/carbon-relay-ng /etc/carbon-relay-ng/carbon-relay-ng.conf
ExecReload=/bin/kill -USR2 $MAINPID


6. Now just run sitespeed to send data to carbon-relay-ng, make sure to set the to your host IP, which is usually in linux, you can find it with ifconfig, not localhost which will point to localhost inside the container.

docker run --rm -v "$(pwd):/" sitespeedio/ --slug yourTestName --graphite.addSlugToKey true


By default the free cloud graphite db only alllow to store up to 10k metrics, so you would probably need to reduce the metrics, I think you can run it once with -vvv and see what metric is being sent, then use --metrics.filter to remove metrics you doesn't need. @soulgalore also told me to use —graphite.skipSummary to reduce metrics by not sending any metrics grouped by domain.

Btw I did not end up using the free grafana cloud graphite because I haven't spend time on reducing the metrics, instead I just run graphite on the same server I run sitespeed, I'm using the oracle cloud free ARM vm, and for monitoring only a few pages it works fine for me. If you want to do the same I also rebuild an image of graphite that works on ARM

docker pull josephcy95/graphite:1.1.7-9

josephcy95 avatar Jul 19 '22 13:07 josephcy95

Thank you @josephcy95 !

soulgalore avatar Jul 31 '22 06:07 soulgalore

Thanks @josephcy95 - This could be the way forward instead of setting up local alerting. I am going to try this today

tprocter1984 avatar Nov 30 '22 10:11 tprocter1984

Hey @josephcy95

Tripped on the first hurdle, the following instruction: Login your grafana cloud and click "send metrics" on graphite

I'm in my cloud account, but unsure where the "sure metrics" option is, can you clarify? image

tprocter1984 avatar Nov 30 '22 13:11 tprocter1984

Have anyone been able to try this out? I haven't done this yet.

soulgalore avatar Dec 29 '23 05:12 soulgalore