César Santos
César Santos
There isn't really much to code, big-M is just an encoding trick. Lets say you have this constraint: 4x + 3y + 2z >= 2 You want to make this...
Just wanted to add some new information, SCIP explains how they implement indicator constraints using SOS1 constraints here: https://www.scipopt.org/doc-7.0.0/html/cons__indicator_8h.php It's super simple: ``` z -> ax
Gurobi and CPLEX have support for finding N optimal (or N feasible) solutions. In Gurobi, one can set the [Pool Search Mode](https://www.gurobi.com/documentation/9.0/refman/poolsearchmode.html#parameter:PoolSearchMode) to 2 (all optimal solutions) or 1 (all...
Not sure if it helps but I've seen this pattern in some C code in the wild: ```c typedef uint8_t my_enum_t; enum { FOO = 1, BAR = 2 ......
Late reply @yurivict but I work around this by adding `auto TRUE = BoolVar(home, 1, 1)` and `FALSE = BoolVar(home, 0, 0)` to my model. They really should be built-in...
If all you care about is bundling the .css of your widget alongside it, you can use the SASS plugin of ESBuild to shove it into the .js file (it...