
Results 86 issues of sirpy

hardhatNetwork should be hardhatProvider

### Tell us about your idea Why separate react-native and react? Build once for all platforms is the best approach. See how we are doing it with vite+react-native-web ###...

on react router if you initially go to http://localhost/?queryparam=x then you will be redirect to http://localhost/?queryparam=x#/ then if you call useLocation the location will not have the queryparam but if...

Switching to vite from webpack some of the svgs are broken. I've looked at the svgr/webpack code and its config is `plugins:[svgo,jsx]` vs just jsx in vite. Just adding svgo:true...

on android cordova the following error is shown Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token < this is probably because on android the app is always on localhost. hopefully using Meteor.absoluteUrl will fix...

I can't use orbitdb local keystore for stoarge so I serialize the identity to JSON and save it on another storage How can I import the saved identity back to...

For wallet connect it is possible to check the returned supported methods, maybe it is possible to verify for other wallets in some other way maybe also allow the...

How does yswap protect if the protection only happens on withdrawing liquidity and not during every buy/sell?

I'm not sure this logic is the intended one. For example in our own use case, lets say we have another bridge that mints tokens, we would like the multichain...

When doing navigation.navigate(route, params) The params are not reflected in the navigation.state.params If you go to a url with parameter such as myapp/Home?x=1 then x=1 is added to navigation.state.params Then...