Stephen Rosen

Results 104 comments of Stephen Rosen

Because webargs is re-exposing framework data, this seems like a framework-specific detail. Some frameworks like Django expose a case-insensitive dict, and some do not. Do we want to treat this...

@lafrech, as I look at this, might this be something we could solve with #583 ? `flask-smorest` could subclass `FlaskParser` to provide a `pre_load` method which checks for `location="header"` and...

I haven't done the 8.0 release in case we want to include a change related to this; but I've been swamped and haven't had time to think about it much....

This thread is reminding me of a past issue in which a user had a schema `pre_load` hook which modified data. Because the underlying multi-dict was immutable, the user had...

I've been thinking about this on and off for a few weeks, and I think we should ship 8.0 without doing anything on this front. Today, if a framework provides...

> Thinking out loud, perhaps we could catch the parameter injected by Flask from `@arguments` and solely rely on the schema. Might be worth investigating, as it could improve user...

> Separately (let me know if i should open a new issue or PR), i was wondering whether it would be better to directly skip over the csrf token in...

I was just looking at this because I wanted to add a `post_dump` method to remove the type field. I ended up overloading `_dump` as in ```python def _dump(self, obj,...

As @lafrech said, you could write a custom parser which handles this for you. That's the best approach available today. Since axios appears to be a pretty popular, I'd be...

I keep circling back to this to think about it, but with the same concern. How would such a decorator distinguish between type annotations meant for it, vs ones which...