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Vagrant plugin for Xhyve. Work in progress.


This is a Vagrant plugin that adds Xhyve provider to Vagrant, allowing Vagrant to manage VM under Mac OS X's native Hypervisor.framework.


The plugin is in a very early state and should not be used for anything except to develop the plugin itself.

Entry Status
Box format Working (not finalized)
Cloning and booting Working
Network Working (vmnet only)
SSH Working
SSH run Working
Port forwarding Not implemented
NFS file sharing Partially working
Suspend Not supported by Xhyve
Resume Not supported by Xhyve
Force shutdown Working
Graceful shutdown Working
Destroying Working


$ brew install xhyve
$ git clone
$ cd vagrant-xhyve/
$ bundle install
$ rake compile

Creating a box

Box format is a plain directory consist of Vagrantfile, metadata.json, Xhyve firmware and Xhyve disk file. Standard structure for the box is as follows:

|- Vagrantfile      This is where Xhyve is configured.
|- hdd.img          The disk image (e.g. dd if=/dev/null of=hdd.img bs=1M count=5000).
|- metadata.json    Box metadata, usually containing just `{"provider":"xhyve"}`.
`-      The firmware file from Xhyve repo (in the `test` directory.)

Available configurations for the provider are:

  • firmware: will be passed to Xhyve as xhyve -f $firmware
  • memory: amount of memory, e.g. 1G
  • cpus: number of CPUs, e.g. 2
  • lpc: LPC device configuration, e.g. com1,stdio
  • acpi: create ACPI table, e.g. true
  • pcis: an array containing PCI slot configuration:

For example, follow the below instruction to create a mfsBSD box. Note that you should be using vagrant executable installed by vagrant-xhyve in the "Installation" section. The executable will be located in bin/ directory.

  1. Create a Vagrantfile with the following contents:

    Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
      config.vm.guest = :freebsd = "test"
      config.vm.provider :xhyve do |v|
        v.firmware = %q(fbsd,,mfsbsd-10.2-RELEASE-amd64.iso,"")
        v.memory = "1G"
        v.cpus = "2"
        v.lpc = "com1,stdio"
        v.acpi = true
        v.pcis = [
  2. Create metadata.json with the following contents in the same directory as Vagrantfile:

  3. Place mfsbsd-10.2-RELEASE-amd64.iso in the same directory as Vagrantfile.

  4. Place in the same directory as Vagrantfile.

  5. Run tar cvzf * to create a box.

  6. bin/vagrant box add


After a box is created, you can now start Xhyve VM with a standard Vagrantfile and vagrant up.

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
  config.vm.guest = :freebsd = "test"

Due to limitation of vmnet.framework, sudo is required to run Xhyve. This limitation will be lifted once Xhyve is code-signed.
