Sirn Thanabulpong
Sirn Thanabulpong
Vmnet notes: - `vmnet` will refuse to create interface for _some_ UUIDs. - `SecureRandom.uuid` (UUIDv4) hit the above bug every ~~10~~ 20 UUIDs or so created. - [`XPC_TYPE_UUID`]( actually conforms...
Need to feed this to `PrepareNFSValidIds` ([prepare_nfs_valid_ids.rb#L16-L19]( otherwise Vagrant will prune the active NFS share when booting a new machine (or halting a running machine).
Should rename to something else. Maybe `vagrant-xhyve-nd` (native driver).
Currently `retrieve()` is being used for object retrieval when an object ID is given, and collection retrieval for account-level objects when an object ID is not given. Due to this,...