LoopingViewPager copied to clipboard
A ViewPager and PagerAdapter combination that support auto scroll, infinite loop and page indicators.
How to set slide speed? is there any method to set slide speed?
Hi there, it was okay to see loopingViewPager inside ViewPager in my activity and when i was scrolling loopingViewPager manually it was working accordingly, but once i changed to ViewPager2....
``` if(banners!!.size == 2) { isInfinite = false bannerPagers.setPadding(0,0,250,0) bannerPagers.pauseAutoScroll() } else { isInfinite = true bannerPagers.setPadding(150,0,150,0) bannerPagers.resumeAutoScroll() } bannerPagers.adapter = HomeBannerPagerAdapter(it, isInfinite,activity) ``` In this case, pagers can not...
By default, all classes in Kotlin are final. The old LoopingViewPager (on Java) was a public class thus could be extended (which we did). The new LoopingViewPager (on Kotlin) is...
When i scrolled the recyclerview rigorously with high intesity scrolling gets stopped And I have to perform two or three manual swipes inorder to make it autoscroll again Please help...
Hi Sira, I"m trying to use your library with a custom PageTransformer (https://developer.android.com/training/animation/screen-slide). The trick used for infinite scroll (smoothScroll: false) and custom transition seem to conflict. The content disappears...
Can it be set programatically without specifying layouts and views in xml? I did created the viewpager, but for the adapter can figure out how to set it.
I have implemented NestedScrollView inside scrollview I have LooperViewPager and a Recyclerview but Looperview is not scrollable inside NestedScrollview