mask_text_input_formatter icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
mask_text_input_formatter copied to clipboard

Masked text input formatter for flutter.


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The package provides TextInputFormatter for TextField and TextFormField which format the input by a given mask.



Check 'example' folder for code sample



  1. Follow the install guide

  2. Import the library:

import 'package:mask_text_input_formatter/mask_text_input_formatter.dart';
  1. Create mask formatter:
var maskFormatter = new MaskTextInputFormatter(
  mask: '+# (###) ###-##-##', 
  filter: { "#": RegExp(r'[0-9]') },
  type: MaskAutoCompletionType.lazy
  1. Set it to text field:
TextField(inputFormatters: [maskFormatter])

Get value

Get masked text:

print(maskFormatter.getMaskedText()); // -> "+0 (123) 456-78-90"

Get unmasked text:

print(maskFormatter.getUnmaskedText()); // -> 01234567890

Change the mask

You can use the updateMask method to change the mask after the formatter was created:

var textEditingController = TextEditingController(text: "12345678");
var maskFormatter = new MaskTextInputFormatter(mask: '####-####', filter: { "#": RegExp(r'[0-9]') });

TextField(controller: textEditingController, inputFormatters: [maskFormatter])  // -> "1234-5678"

textEditingController.value = maskFormatter.updateMask(mask: "##-##-##-##"); // -> "12-34-56-78"