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h264 encoding not working

Open lukedukeus opened this issue 1 year ago • 3 comments

If I create a video encoder, and try to encode to h264, I get an error that occurs during initialization. If I comment out where the profile=baseline option is, it runs, but does not produce video.

To reproduce:

IVideoEncoder videoEncoder = new FFmpegVideoEncoder();

var encodedBuffer = videoEncoder.EncodeVideoFaster(new RawImage()
    Height = (int)height,
    Width = (int)width,
    PixelFormat = VideoPixelFormatsEnum.Bgra,
    Stride = (int)stride,
    Sample = frameData
}, VideoCodecsEnum.H264);


[libopenh264enc @ 0000021723ed5d80] [Eval @ 00000051fd1fe0f0] Undefined constant or missing '(' in 'baseline'
[libopenh264enc @ 0000021723ed5d80] Unable to parse option value "baseline"

lukedukeus avatar Oct 20 '23 15:10 lukedukeus

Have you fixed it yet?

h-oneohone avatar Apr 26 '24 13:04 h-oneohone

I wasn't able to get it working using the EncodeVideoFaster method. I ended up using the h264 encoder from FFmpeg.AutoGen here. I modified it slightly to work with a byte array instead of stream.

Full class:

using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

using FFmpeg.AutoGen;

using Size = System.Drawing.Size;

namespace ProductName.Streaming.Helpers
    public sealed unsafe class H264VideoEncoder : IDisposable
        private readonly Size _frameSize;
        private readonly int _linesizeU;
        private readonly int _linesizeV;
        private readonly int _linesizeY;
        private readonly AVCodec* _pCodec;
        private readonly AVCodecContext* _pCodecContext;
        private readonly int _uSize;
        private readonly int _ySize;

        public H264VideoEncoder(int fps, Size frameSize)
            _frameSize = frameSize;

            var codecId = AVCodecID.AV_CODEC_ID_H264;
            _pCodec = ffmpeg.avcodec_find_encoder(codecId);
            if (_pCodec == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Codec not found.");

            _pCodecContext = ffmpeg.avcodec_alloc_context3(_pCodec);
            _pCodecContext->width = frameSize.Width;
            _pCodecContext->height = frameSize.Height;
            _pCodecContext->time_base = new AVRational { num = 1, den = fps };
            _pCodecContext->pix_fmt = AVPixelFormat.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P;
            ffmpeg.av_opt_set(_pCodecContext->priv_data, "preset", "veryslow", 0);

            ThrowExceptionIfError(ffmpeg.avcodec_open2(_pCodecContext, _pCodec, null));

            _linesizeY = frameSize.Width;
            _linesizeU = frameSize.Width / 2;
            _linesizeV = frameSize.Width / 2;

            _ySize = _linesizeY * frameSize.Height;
            _uSize = _linesizeU * frameSize.Height / 2;

        public void Dispose()

        public byte[] Encode(AVFrame frame)
            if (frame.format != (int)_pCodecContext->pix_fmt)
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid pixel format.", nameof(frame));

            if (frame.width != _frameSize.Width)
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid width.", nameof(frame));

            if (frame.height != _frameSize.Height)
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid height.", nameof(frame));

            if (frame.linesize[0] < _linesizeY)
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid Y linesize.", nameof(frame));

            if (frame.linesize[1] < _linesizeU)
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid U linesize.", nameof(frame));

            if (frame.linesize[2] < _linesizeV)
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid V linesize.", nameof(frame));

            if ([1] -[0] < _ySize)
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid Y data size.", nameof(frame));

            if ([2] -[1] < _uSize)
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid U data size.", nameof(frame));

            var pPacket = ffmpeg.av_packet_alloc();
            var encodedData = new List<byte>();

                // Basic encoding loop explained: 

                // Give the encoder a frame to encode
                ThrowExceptionIfError(ffmpeg.avcodec_send_frame(_pCodecContext, &frame));

                // From
                // For encoding, call avcodec_receive_packet().  On success, it will return an AVPacket with a compressed frame.
                // Repeat this call until it returns AVERROR(EAGAIN) or an error.
                // The AVERROR(EAGAIN) return value means that new input data is required to return new output.
                // In this case, continue with sending input.
                // For each input frame/packet, the codec will typically return 1 output frame/packet, but it can also be 0 or more than 1.
                bool hasFinishedWithThisFrame;

                    // Clear/wipe the receiving packet
                    // (not sure if this is needed, since docs for avcoded_receive_packet say that it will call that first-thing

                    // Receive back a packet; there might be 0, 1 or many packets to receive for an input frame.
                    var response = ffmpeg.avcodec_receive_packet(_pCodecContext, pPacket);

                    bool isPacketValid;

                    if (response == 0)
                        // 0 on success; as in, successfully retrieved a packet, and expecting us to retrieve another one.
                        isPacketValid = true;
                        hasFinishedWithThisFrame = false;
                    else if (response == ffmpeg.AVERROR(ffmpeg.EAGAIN))
                        // EAGAIN: there's no more output is available in the current state - user must try to send more input
                        isPacketValid = false;
                        hasFinishedWithThisFrame = true;
                    else if (response == ffmpeg.AVERROR(ffmpeg.AVERROR_EOF))
                        // EOF: the encoder has been fully flushed, and there will be no more output packets
                        isPacketValid = false;
                        hasFinishedWithThisFrame = true;
                        // AVERROR(EINVAL): codec not opened, or it is a decoder other errors: legitimate encoding errors
                        // , otherwise negative error code:
                        throw new InvalidOperationException($"error from avcodec_receive_packet: {response}");

                    if (isPacketValid)
                        using var packetStream = new UnmanagedMemoryStream(pPacket->data, pPacket->size);
                        var buffer = new byte[pPacket->size];
                        packetStream.Read(buffer, 0, pPacket->size);
                } while (!hasFinishedWithThisFrame);

            return encodedData.ToArray();


        public byte[] Drain()
            // From
            // End of stream situations. These require "flushing" (aka draining) the codec, as the codec might buffer multiple frames or packets internally for performance or out of necessity (consider B-frames). This is handled as follows:
            // Instead of valid input, send NULL to the avcodec_send_packet() (decoding) or avcodec_send_frame() (encoding) functions. This will enter draining mode.
            // 	Call avcodec_receive_frame() (decoding) or avcodec_receive_packet() (encoding) in a loop until AVERROR_EOF is returned. The functions will not return AVERROR(EAGAIN), unless you forgot to enter draining mode.

            var pPacket = ffmpeg.av_packet_alloc();
            var encodedData = new List<byte>();

                // Send a null frame to enter draining mode
                ThrowExceptionIfError(ffmpeg.avcodec_send_frame(_pCodecContext, null));

                bool hasFinishedDraining;

                    // Clear/wipe the receiving packet
                    // (not sure if this is needed, since docs for avcoded_receive_packet say that it will call that first-thing

                    var response = ffmpeg.avcodec_receive_packet(_pCodecContext, pPacket);

                    bool isPacketValid;

                    if (response == 0)
                        // 0 on success; as in, successfully retrieved a packet, and expecting us to retrieve another one.
                        isPacketValid = true;
                        hasFinishedDraining = false;
                    else if (response == ffmpeg.AVERROR(ffmpeg.AVERROR_EOF))
                        // EOF: the encoder has been fully flushed, and there will be no more output packets
                        isPacketValid = false;
                        hasFinishedDraining = true;
                        // Some other error.
                        // Should probably throw here, but in testing we get error -541478725
                        isPacketValid = false;
                        hasFinishedDraining = true;

                    if (isPacketValid)
                        using var packetStream = new UnmanagedMemoryStream(pPacket->data, pPacket->size);
                        var buffer = new byte[pPacket->size];
                        packetStream.Read(buffer, 0, pPacket->size);
                } while (!hasFinishedDraining);

            return encodedData.ToArray();

        public static unsafe string GetErrorMessage(int error)
            var bufferSize = 1024;
            var buffer = stackalloc byte[bufferSize];
            ffmpeg.av_strerror(error, buffer, (ulong)bufferSize);
            var message = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi((IntPtr)buffer);
            return message ?? "";

        public static int ThrowExceptionIfError(int error)
            if (error < 0)
                throw new ApplicationException(GetErrorMessage(error));

            return error;


lukedukeus avatar Apr 26 '24 14:04 lukedukeus

@lukedukeus Error:

[libopenh264enc @ 0000021723ed5d80] [Eval @ 00000051fd1fe0f0] Undefined constant or missing '(' in 'baseline'
[libopenh264enc @ 0000021723ed5d80] Unable to parse option value "baseline"

SIPSorceryMedia.FFmpeg as a library, assumes the use of libx264, you can try to change these lines in accordance to the options supported by libopenh264enc:

ha-ves avatar Jul 08 '24 06:07 ha-ves