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This multi polygon editor is written in TypeScript for the React Native Maps component. This component allows you to select, create, or modify areas on Apple Maps and Google Maps. You can edit multipl...


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This multi polygon editor written in TypeScript for the React Native Maps component. This component allows you to select, create, or modify areas on Apple Maps and Google Maps. You can edit multiple polygons at the same time.

Getting Started


npm install @siposdani87/expo-maps-polygon-editor

Basic Usage

Check example directory for more samples and options.

import { PolygonEditor, getRandomPolygonColors, PolygonEditorRef, MapPolygonExtendedProps } from '@siposdani87/expo-maps-polygon-editor';

const [strokeColor, fillColor] = getRandomPolygonColors();
const polygons: MapPolygonExtendedProps[] = [{
    key: 'key_0',
    coordinates: [
            latitude: 47.64623435880296,
            longitude: 17.488861083984375,
            latitude: 47.69155620579073,
            longitude: 17.514411988020868,
            latitude: 47.65998584885824,
            longitude: 17.54299213146342,
    strokeWidth: 2,

export const PolygonEditorComponents = () => {
    const polygonEditorRef = useRef<PolygonEditorRef>(null);

    return (

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
    mapContainer: {



Prop Type Description
polygons * MapPolygonExtendedProps[] Input polygons array
onPolygonChange (index: number, polygon: MapPolygonExtendedProps) => void change polygon callback
onPolygonCreate (polygon: MapPolygonExtendedProps) => void create polygon callback
onPolygonRemove (index: number) => void Delete polygon callback
onPolygonSelect (index: number, polygon: MapPolygonExtendedProps) => void Select polygon callback
onPolygonUnselect (index: number, polygon: MapPolygonExtendedProps) => void Deselect polygon callback
disabled boolean Disable editing on component



Bugs or Requests

If you encounter any problems feel free to open an issue. If you feel the library is missing a feature, please raise a ticket. Pull request are also welcome.


Dániel Sipos


This project is generously supported by TrophyMap, I18Nature, and several other amazing organizations.